Joseph D. Thompson 69-years-old Died Form BS-19 Vaxx at St. Vincent Hospital
By Staff Reporter
Joseph D. Thompson 69-years-old Died Form BS-19 Vaxx at St. Vincent Hospital
By Staff Reporter
Gerry Marcelo (48-years-old) Died Eight Days After First Dose of Sinovac Vaxx
By Staff Reporter
Lucas Andrew Mcllwain (36-years-old) Died Same Day As After Taking The 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaxx
By Ashley Mcllwain
Woman Dies of Rare Brain Disease Within 3 Months of Second Pfizer Shot, Doctor Says Vaccine Could be Responsible
By Megan Redshaw Global Research, September 01, 2021
Children’s Health Defense 31 August 2021 *** In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Gianni Cohen said her mother, Cheryl Cohen, developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease after getting the Pfizer vaccine, and died within three months of her second dose. Cheryl Cohen, a healthy 64-year-old woman from Florida, died three months after […]
Jennifer Beer 59 Died After AstraZeneca Vaxxine
By Staff Reporter
Inês Rafael Mendes: 18-year-old Portuguese College Student Dead Five Days After mRNA Injections (Pfizer or Moderna)
By The COVID Blog
Ms. Inês Rafael Mendes
VIEIRA DO MINHO — An 18-year-old journalism student is dead as authorities refuse to acknowledge what took place less than a week earlier.
Ms. Inês Rafael Mendes received one of the experimental COVID-19 injections on Monday, August 2, family members told the Correio da Manhã newspaper. It’s unclear which of the injections she received. But Portugal is only administering AstraZeneca injections to people over age 60. Infarmed, the Portuguese equivalent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), suspended use of a Johnson & Johnson batch last month after numerous people fainted following the injections in Mafra. Thus Ms. Mendes most likely received one of the experimental mRNA injections (Pfizer or Moderna).
Ms. Mendes, 18 (some reports say she was 19), and 12 friends went on a camping trip at the Cabreira Camping Park, Friday, August 6. Like virtually all teenagers in the Western world, they were drinking and partying into the night. Ms. Mendes woke up early Saturday morning feeling “unwell.” Of course, this is the norm after long nights of drinking. She had also been diagnosed with gastroenteritis (an intestinal infection) two weeks earlier and was potentially still feeling the effects thereof.
A hangover turned into cardiac arrest and a “sudden illness” early that Saturday morning. Paramedics attempted to revive her, but it was too late. Ms. Mendes died shortly thereafter.