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COVID 19 deaths and injuries|Steve Kirsch

How Will They Explain the Poll I Just Did?

How Will They Explain the Poll I Just Did?

By Steve Kirsch

The FDA claims that VAERS is over-reported and the COVID vaccines are super safe. OK, so explain this poll I just did…

Executive Summary

Here’s a simple poll that shows instantly that the COVID vaccines are more deadly than all 70+ vaccines combined over the past 32 years.

If you have a Gab or Twitter account, please replicate my poll for your followers and then enter the URL of your poll into this form, so I can publish the results.

I’ll make a video that will be very compelling with all the polls.


I just posted a survey on Gab 6 hours ago, and here are the results:

Here were the results just 26 minutes after I launched the poll showing pretty much the same stats:

And my friends at VaccineTruth2 on Twitter also launched their own poll with even more dramatic results than mine:

In other words, the people who responded to these public polls are more than 10 times more likely to observe that the COVID vaccines have killed more people than ALL OTHER VACCINES COMBINED OVER THE PAST 32 YEARS.

How are they going to explain that?

If you poll blue-pill people, I’m sure you’ll get all the votes for the third option. They live in a perfect world where vaccines are safe.

But all my Gab followers are presumably evil anti-vaxxers who think all vaccines are deadly. They have no special bias against the COVID vaccines.

So why are 10X more people observing that the COVID vaccines are more deadly than ALL vaccines combined over 32 years?

That would be hard to explain, wouldn’t it?

The COVID vaccines appear to kill over 300X more people per year than all 70+ vaccines combined. Wow.

Some of you wonder why the ratio isn’t more lopsided since if the COVID vaccines are so deadly, everyone should recognize them as being more deadly and everyone would vote for choice #1.

But deaths are relatively rare, so most people will only see one death. If the COVID vaccines are killing people at a rate 311 X more than all vaccines combined per year, then we’d expect to see the numbers above if everyone just sees one death.

Here’s the math to compute the death rate per year and the ratios computed from the first 26 minutes of the Gab poll since that is the most favorable to the mainstream narrative:

It’s really stunning isn’t it?

This isn’t some kind of cheap polling “trick”… VAERS has been saying the same thing

The VAERS system is very reliable. More reliable than they want you to believe.

The VAERS system has been saying the same thing:

There are more adverse event reports in VAERS for the COVID vaccines than all other 70+ vaccines in the 32 year history of VAERS combined.

So this isn’t some camera trick. This is just validation of the US government data that has been hiding in plain sight.

You can see the numbers yourself at There have been a grand total of over 2.1M reports in the entire history of VAERS and 1.2M of those reports are from the COVID vaccines.

Now here’s where I need your help if you have a Twitter or Gab account

If you have a Twitter or Gab account, simply create that poll on your account, set it for a 1 day completion period, and then immediately enter the URL of your poll into this form. I’ll then make a video of all of the results.

It should create a very visual “red-pill moment” for people that will leave them speechless.

Once I make that video, you simply show them my video and ask your doctor (or your friends), “If the vaccines are safe and effective, then how do you explain this video?” Try to get their response on video if you can and post it to social media.

Perhaps someone can do a “man on the street” video asking people whether they think the vaccines are safe, showing people the video, and capturing their reaction. Priceless.

Instructions to make a poll on Twitter and Gab

Do a compose new post, select the “poll” icon, and copy the Twitter or Gab poll above.

Here it is for Twitter:

Copy the text for the poll from the Gab/Twitter examples above.

Once the poll is posted, use the share button to COPY to the clipboard and paste it into this form so we can track it.

On Gab:

On Twitter:

This will show everyone it isn’t just me that is seeing this.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries|Steve Kirsch

Know Anyone Who Died Since Jan 2021 or Anyone Who Is Vaxxine Injured?

Know Anyone Who Died Since Jan 2021 or Anyone Who Is Vaxxine Injured?

By Steve Kirsch

This new survey should take you <1 minute to fill out and will give us all some very useful insights. Thanks!

If you know anyone who:

  1. Died for any reason since January 2021
  2. Is vaccine injured from any vaccine (including this one)

please take this <1 minute survey.

Note: Sorry for all the surveys; hopefully this is the last one for a while.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

AFL Legend Peter Matera’s Brother Phil Raises the Possibility for Jab Being Responsible for His Brother’s Heart Attack

AFL Legend Peter Matera’s Brother Phil Raises the Possibility for Jab Being Responsible for His Brother’s Heart Attack

By Dave Oneegs Aussie Chat

We are right at the tipping point.
Everyone knows.
As the last of the unjected…
we are gonna hav to brace ourselves and be ready.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

Thomas Flanigan: Ohio Doctor Writes His Own Obituary After Moderna Shots, Died 11 Weeks Later

Thomas Flanigan: Ohio Doctor Writes His Own Obituary After Moderna Shots, Died 11 Weeks Later

By The COVID Blog

Thomas Lee Flanigan

TOLEDO, OHIO — A 48-year-old plastic surgeon is dead in a story that demonstrates the limitless levels of surrealism when it comes to these experimental shots and government/media narratives.

Dr. Thomas Flanigan received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on January 6, according to his Facebook page. He received the second dose on February 3.

Sometime thereafter (it’s unclear exactly when), he wrote his own obituary, in the same mocking fashion as the foregoing Facebook post. It is reminiscent of the Polish doctor we wrote about in February. But the surrealism surrounding this story is unmatched compared to any other story we’ve written thus far.

First, none of the media outlets that covered this story (except the New York Post) mentioned that Dr. Flanigan received experimental Moderna mRNA shots in January and February. However, the Post, like the other outlets, wrote that his cause of death is “not clear.” Second, the headlines are practically celebrating his death, perhaps in an attempt to deflect attention away from the Moderna shots.

They refer to the obituary as “hilarious,” “incredible” and other strange adjectives given the situation.

“The Ginger of God”

Here are some excerpts from the obituary:

Well, that’s it. I have completed my shift as the great American cliché. In the spirit of what turned out to be my last New Year’s letter, my wild and crazy life has again taken a new, unexpected turn with my shocking and unexpected, yet fabulous, exit. Yes, I have joined the likes of Princess Diana, John Belushi, and Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter in leaving while still at the top of my game as an iconic superhero who seemed almost too good to be true.

I will admit that I originally got married for the husband jokes and had kids for the dad jokes. It did not disappoint. The jokes I mean, but Amy and the kids were pretty good too. 

I know it’s impossible to believe, but I, the Ginger God of Surgery and Shenanigans, have fought my last cow (you’re welcome Tim) and ridden off into the glorious sunset after re-enlisting with a new unit. Due to the unknown and cosmic nature of my next mission, this will be our last communication. My whereabouts are now top secret, but let’s just say I have made some new friends by the names of Elvis and Kenny. 


Again, it’s unclear when exactly this was written. It may have been from a hospital bed after the deadly symptoms of the mRNA shots kicked in. Perhaps he wrote it the same week of the shots, knowing the risks, but wrote in jest to ease his own fears and further mock “anti-vaxxers.” These news outlets are deflecting from the virtue signaling, and spinning this story into a coincidence with a “hilarious” obituary.

UPDATED 12:45 p.m. – This story just keeps getting weirder. Now his friends are saying they wrote the obituary, not Dr. Flanigan. Yet they are all still laughing at their “friend’s” death, with no mourning at all, and burying the fact he got the Moderna shots. This is a concerted, demented, and likely orchestrated effort to censor the virtue signaling Facebook photo and true cause of death – Moderna.

Dr. Flanigan is at least the third mRNA victim we’ve covered who died between eight and 12 weeks after the shots. We will begin referring to these as near-term deaths caused by experimental mRNA or viral vector shots. Dr. Flanigan leaves behind a wife and three children ages 10 to 14.

State Of Affairs|Steve Kirsch

A Single, Brave District Attorney or State Attorney General Could Put an End to All of This

A Single, Brave District Attorney or State Attorney General Could Put an End to All of This

By Steve Kirsch

I talked to Bobby Kennedy yesterday. Turns out there is a way to end the madness with the help of a single brave district attorney or attorney general. The only flaw in the plan: finding one.

Executive Summary

Here’s the plan and the beauty is that it doesn’t even require a court proceeding to shut this down. Just one brave district attorney or attorney general.

If you find one who you have confirmed is interested in exploring this, please fill out this form.

We’ll find out very soon if there is a single DA or AG or Sheriff in the country who wants to be a hero and be on the right side of history.

If not, this country has just set a new low.

Here’s the plan

The PREP Act doesn’t insulate actors from criminal liability if the people giving the vaccine “know” or “should have known” that the vaccines are killing/harming people.

The key is this. The PREP Act basically provides liability protection up to the point that it becomes obvious to the person or organization giving the shot that they are killing or harming people. Once you cross that line, you become criminally liable.

So if the CDC says the vaccines are safe, and everyone you give it to dies, and you keep giving it anyway, you are criminally liable. Then your fate is up to the jury.

The PREP Act was never intended as a license to kill.

In addition, there is something known as “jury nullification” where a jury can invalidate an unjust law. This is typically used to exonerate someone, but it can also be used in the reverse direction to convict someone as noted in the Wikipedia article: “It may also happen that a jury convicts a defendant even if no law was broken.”

All it takes is a single phone call from the DA or AG to the pharmacy chain

So once a pharmacy chain in their area/state is put on notice by a district attorney or attorney general or their local Sheriff that the vaccines are killing people and that if they persist in giving the shots and someone is seriously injured or dies, they could be criminally prosecuted, what do you think most pharmacy chains will do?

Consider the following:

An individual found guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence faces a custodial sentence of up to 12 years.

It’s not like they are being forced to give the shots. So they have a choice. They can continue to give the shots and risk criminal prosecution or simply decide to let someone else take the risk. What do you think they will do?

Similarly, a nursing home could argue that it has to give the shots since that is the “standard of care” and if they didn’t offer the shots, they would be negligent. This is tougher to get a conviction on, but it’s not an ironclad defense. For example, one nursing home gave the shot to 9 residents and 6 of them died within a week. Can they simply look the other way? Nobody I talked to thinks so.

As for the evidence that the vaccines are causing harm and death, we have plenty of people that will testify under oath with direct testimony and sworn affidavits that this is the case, thanks to your help in responding to my surveys. With cases like Marsha Gee, it will be hard for people to ignore the cause-and-effect here. You simply cannot go from “perfectly healthy” to experiencing 78 very unusual symptoms shortly after being vaccinated if the vaccines are perfectly safe.

As for the argument that all vaccines have some small rate of side effects, there is objective proof in the VAERS system that this is simply not the case and that proof can also be confirmed though direct observation. And it’s unlikely that there is even a single anecdote like Marsha Gee.

How you can help

Reach out to your local DA or state attorney general or Sheriff.

If you find someone receptive to learning more, please fill out the interest form.

People have suggested

  1. Nebraska AG
  2. Arizona AG Mark Brnovich
  3. Texas AG Ken Paxton
  4. Missouri AG Eric Schmitt
  5. Idaho AG Raúl Labrador
  6. Florida AG Florida. Ashley Moody

If you know any of them and can get some interest, please fill out the interest form.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries|Steve Kirsch

How Will They Explain the Poll I Just Did?

How Will They Explain the Poll I Just Did?

By Steve Kirsch

The FDA claims that VAERS is over-reported and the COVID vaccines are super safe. OK, so explain this poll I just did…

Executive Summary

Here’s a simple poll that shows instantly that the COVID vaccines are more deadly than all 70+ vaccines combined over the past 32 years.

If you have a Gab or Twitter account, please replicate my poll for your followers and then enter the URL of your poll into this form, so I can publish the results.

I’ll make a video that will be very compelling with all the polls.


I just posted a survey on Gab 6 hours ago, and here are the results:

Here were the results just 26 minutes after I launched the poll showing pretty much the same stats:

And my friends at VaccineTruth2 on Twitter also launched their own poll with even more dramatic results than mine:

In other words, the people who responded to these public polls are more than 10 times more likely to observe that the COVID vaccines have killed more people than ALL OTHER VACCINES COMBINED OVER THE PAST 32 YEARS.

How are they going to explain that?

If you poll blue-pill people, I’m sure you’ll get all the votes for the third option. They live in a perfect world where vaccines are safe.

But all my Gab followers are presumably evil anti-vaxxers who think all vaccines are deadly. They have no special bias against the COVID vaccines.

So why are 10X more people observing that the COVID vaccines are more deadly than ALL vaccines combined over 32 years?

That would be hard to explain, wouldn’t it?

The COVID vaccines appear to kill over 300X more people per year than all 70+ vaccines combined. Wow.

Some of you wonder why the ratio isn’t more lopsided since if the COVID vaccines are so deadly, everyone should recognize them as being more deadly and everyone would vote for choice #1.

But deaths are relatively rare, so most people will only see one death. If the COVID vaccines are killing people at a rate 311 X more than all vaccines combined per year, then we’d expect to see the numbers above if everyone just sees one death.

Here’s the math to compute the death rate per year and the ratios computed from the first 26 minutes of the Gab poll since that is the most favorable to the mainstream narrative:

It’s really stunning isn’t it?

This isn’t some kind of cheap polling “trick”… VAERS has been saying the same thing

The VAERS system is very reliable. More reliable than they want you to believe.

The VAERS system has been saying the same thing:

There are more adverse event reports in VAERS for the COVID vaccines than all other 70+ vaccines in the 32 year history of VAERS combined.

So this isn’t some camera trick. This is just validation of the US government data that has been hiding in plain sight.

You can see the numbers yourself at There have been a grand total of over 2.1M reports in the entire history of VAERS and 1.2M of those reports are from the COVID vaccines.

Now here’s where I need your help if you have a Twitter or Gab account

If you have a Twitter or Gab account, simply create that poll on your account, set it for a 1 day completion period, and then immediately enter the URL of your poll into this form. I’ll then make a video of all of the results.

It should create a very visual “red-pill moment” for people that will leave them speechless.

Once I make that video, you simply show them my video and ask your doctor (or your friends), “If the vaccines are safe and effective, then how do you explain this video?” Try to get their response on video if you can and post it to social media.

Perhaps someone can do a “man on the street” video asking people whether they think the vaccines are safe, showing people the video, and capturing their reaction. Priceless.

Instructions to make a poll on Twitter and Gab

Do a compose new post, select the “poll” icon, and copy the Twitter or Gab poll above.

Here it is for Twitter:

Copy the text for the poll from the Gab/Twitter examples above.

Once the poll is posted, use the share button to COPY to the clipboard and paste it into this form so we can track it.

On Gab:

On Twitter:

This will show everyone it isn’t just me that is seeing this.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries|Steve Kirsch

Know Anyone Who Died Since Jan 2021 or Anyone Who Is Vaxxine Injured?

Know Anyone Who Died Since Jan 2021 or Anyone Who Is Vaxxine Injured?

By Steve Kirsch

This new survey should take you <1 minute to fill out and will give us all some very useful insights. Thanks!

If you know anyone who:

  1. Died for any reason since January 2021
  2. Is vaccine injured from any vaccine (including this one)

please take this <1 minute survey.

Note: Sorry for all the surveys; hopefully this is the last one for a while.

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