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COVID 19 deaths and injuries

Mike Yeadon – I Specifically Warned About This Likelihood Over a Year Ago. That’s Why I Asserted My View That It’s Not the First Generation mRNA Vaxxines That Are the Depopulation Agents, but the Modified Versions

Mike Yeadon – I Specifically Warned About This Likelihood Over a Year Ago. That’s Why I Asserted My View That It’s Not the First Generation mRNA Vaxxines That Are the Depopulation Agents, but the Modified Versions

By Dr Mike Yeadon

I specifically warned about this likelihood over a year ago. That’s why I asserted my view that it’s not the first generation mRNA vaccines that are the depopulation agents, but the modified versions, which will go into billions of arms, without first going through clinical trials. They used these novel technologies even though unquestionably they’re unavoidably dangerous, BECAUSE they had an additional use for them later. If they’d only wanted to jab people to qualify them for a control code or VaxPass, they could used saline. They’d have got away with it. No excess deaths either! No. They chose mRNA because it’s needed. What for? Well, I came up with several, delayed-action lethal outcomes with plausible deniability in a couple of hours. It’s really not difficult.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

Caleb Swanigan: How Can a 25-Year-Old Die From Natural Causes?

Caleb Swanigan: How Can a 25-Year-Old Die From Natural Causes?

By Steve Kirsch

The term means someone didn’t kill him and it wasn’t an accident. It is common since the jabs rolled out for young people to die unexpectedly like this. It is only happening to the vaccinated…

Doctors remained puzzled as to why all these healthy young people like Caleb Swanigan are dying of natural causes. In every case, there is no foul play or drugs involved. Their body just suddenly “stops working.”

And all these weird deaths only started happening after the COVID vaccines rolled out. And they are only happening to vaccinated people.

These deaths have something in common that is causing them, but none of the mainstream doctors, coroners, or medical examiners can figure out the pattern. It’s puzzling. A real medical mystery!

Even the people on Twitter are absolutely baffled. As you can see from reading these tweets, they don’t have a clue either as to what might be causing these deaths:


I got a text today from my friend Paul Romero (he runs a great gym in Maui called Makena Crossfit) who alerted me to the death of 25-year-old Caleb Swanigan from “natural causes.”

Paul pointed out that Caleb went from being homeless to about to be an NBA top pick. And now he’s dead, right before the big payoff that he worked so hard to achieve.

So I call Paul on the phone and we talked about how we never used to see stories like this in the past, but now they seem to be happening at least once a week with a prominent person all with the same pattern: Sudden death. Unexpected. Vaccinated. Cause of death covered up.

Another tragic death of a young girl dying in her sleep

The Canadians are big on vaccination to protect their kids. These protected kids are dying in their sleep for some reason.

Perhaps Pfizer can come up with a vaccine that can prevent these deaths? They really seem more common than COVID right now.

Update on the Massachusetts data

On a separate topic, I have an update for you on my Massachusetts death article.

Our team contacted the father of the one death (age 5 to 11) in Massachusetts that the official death reports said died from COVID. She didn’t die from COVID. She died from a congenital heart condition.

So 0 COVID deaths in Massachusetts for the two years of the pandemic for ages 5 to 11. That does sound like an emergency to me!

So I guess that explains why the CDC is focused on it and why the FDA is approving emergency meds to prevent the 0 deaths that are happening in the 15th largest state. Because as my Dad used to say, “You can never be too careful.”

The next frontier is to jab the kids right after birth to protect them!

Clues to why these deaths might be happening

We have data that when we reduced the rate of vaccination of kids, the rate of SIDS fell. So that might be something to look at. Maybe it is the childhood vaccines that are causing this? Nah… it’s only happening to people with the COVID vaccines. So it’s not so easy.

Also, see the new Google search analysis done by AMD. That might provide a clue too.


Someday, when they are not busy with COVID, I hope the CDC will investigate what is causing these tragic deaths of young people. Obviously it can’t be the vaccine since the CDC says it is “safe and effective” so it must be something else.

Funny though… I read far more stories of these deaths than of young people dying from COVID. I haven’t seen a single story on deaths of kids from COVID. Have you?

Maybe the CDC can put the NIH’s Dr. Nath on the task of finding out why all these young kids are dying. I’ve written about Dr. Nath before here and here. He’s brilliant at solving really tough puzzles like this. Nothing gets past him. He cannot be fooled. And he’s not busy anymore since he’s already figured out that the vaccine injured aren’t being injured by the vaccine. He did that in record time (a year). So he now has time on his hands. You couldn’t find a better person for the job than “eagle eye” Nath.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

It’s Very Important We Trust Pseudoscience

It’s Very Important We Trust Pseudoscience

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

Please everyone – it’s very important we trust pseudoscience. It’s what invented Covid and masks and mandates and deadly jabs and lockdowns. All for your own good as so many apparently died from the flu rebranded as Bs 19. As pseudoscience told us to count anyone that died for 2 years, as a Covid death, as that’s real solid science. Matched by the science, that the “flu disappeared on a holiday for 2 years, while the east of us were banned from holiday’s ironically, for 2 years“.

That’s the sort of science that saves lives, so please follow the science

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

USA Jab Injury – Joseph, From USA

USA Jab Injury – Joseph, From USA

By Jab Injuries Global

Joseph, USA

Rest In Peace twenty-six-year-old Joseph who passed away after his autopsy report revealed that he died November 12th 2021 after taking his Pfizer booster vaccination and the flu both on August 11th 2021. He was found deceased in his recliner after complaining of sore throat and fatigue.

Joseph’s family received his autopsy results on December 22nd, 2021 and are in shock at the results. He passed away from Myocarditis in the left ventricle due to the recent Pfizer COVID-19 booster vaccine, and this is what’s written on his death certificate. He had the booster on Monday 8th of November 2021 before passing away four days later.

With no underlying issues with his heart, Joseph received EKG’s and echoes his entire life and had always had a normal functioning heart. That pathologist said he had a “normal twenty-six-year-old heart.”

Joseph loved science and was always pro-science and pro-vaccine. He trusted science and did his part.  He will be incredibly missed by his parents and four siblings.

Health|Steve Kirsch

Any Airline Which Isn’t Screening All Its Pilots for Cardiac Issues Is Risking a Disaster That Will Cost Hundreds of Innocent Lives

Any Airline Which Isn’t Screening All Its Pilots for Cardiac Issues Is Risking a Disaster That Will Cost Hundreds of Innocent Lives

By Steve Kirsch

It couldn’t be more clear: the vaccine shots cause heart problems. It’s so obvious that even the CDC admits it. So why aren’t airlines screening all their pilots? The answer will surprise you.

Consider the following story of a pilot who became incapacitated flying the plane. This is yet another “close call” similar to what happened to American Airlines Captain Bob Snow:

An EasyJet spokesperson said, “The safety and wellbeing of our passengers and crew is always easyJet’s highest priority.”

That’s a lie.

It couldn’t be more clear: the vaccine shots cause heart problems. It’s so obvious that even the CDC admits it.

So why aren’t airlines screening all their pilots?

After all, if safety and wellbeing was their highest priority, they’d be screening every pilot with a cardiac MRI, troponin, and d-dimer tests.

But they aren’t going to ever do that, because they’d find too many issues and would have to ground too many pilots which would hurt their revenue. So they are going to put the lives of their flight crew and passengers at risk instead. You will pay for it.

So that’s why they won’t do even basic screening with d-dimer and troponin levels. Because they want you to think they care, but they really don’t. None of the airlines do. Not a single one anywhere in the world. Because if one airline breaks ranks and publicizes the number of injured pilots it found when it screened pilots, it’s lights out for the airline industry everywhere because they will have to screen and could potentially lose too many pilots.

Just ask American Airlines Captain Snow (or watch my interview with Captain Snow that has over 50,000 views).

Only after there is a serious crash, will public pressure force the screenings to happen. Not before.

Politicians will claim, “Nobody could have predicted this.”

Yup. Just call me nobody.

And I’m not the only nobody. Read this press release regarding pilot safety and check out the signatories at the end.

We warned the FAA on December 15, 2021 and they took no action

The FAA has been warned as well. See my earlier Substack article on this which includes the Dec 15, 2021 letter to the FAA and all the airlines.

Don’t say we didn’t warn everyone. Officially.

You never see these stories about injured pilots in the mainstream media for some reason

Pilots speak out about vaccine-induced injuries and deaths (Jun 21, 2022)

brisbane-health|Health|Steve Kirsch

Sometimes It Feels Like We Are Losing One High Profile Athlete a Day to the Vaxxine

Sometimes It Feels Like We Are Losing One High Profile Athlete a Day to the Vaxxine

By Steve Kirsch

I’m going to have to start collecting all these deaths in a single article and publish it once a month to create a public record of just how bad the problem is.

Wow, another day, another high profile young athlete dies, adding to the toll.

I’m going to collect these in the future in a single article and publish it once a month. Otherwise, you’d be getting multiple emails a day from me about this topic.

In the meantime, I predict that our doctors are never going to figure out what is killing these young athletes.

And no mainstream media, including 60 Minutes, is going to go anywhere near investigating it.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries|Steve Kirsch

The CDC Says “Severe Reactions” to the C0VID Vaxxines Are Rare. That’s Not What We Found

The CDC Says “Severe Reactions” to the C0VID Vaxxines Are Rare. That’s Not What We Found

By Steve Kirsch

A new poll of Americans shows that 1% of people who get the jab (2M Americans over 18) are so seriously COVID vaccine injured that they are unable to hold a job.

This Pollfish survey of 500 randomly selected Americans indicates that at least 1% of the people who were vaccinated with the COVID vaccines end up with injuries so severe that they can’t hold a job.

Executive summary

The CDC has always maintained that severe reactions to the COVID vaccines are rare. Since I officially became a misinformation spreader over a year ago, I’ve never believed that statement because I couldn’t find any reliable data that confirmed it.

On Jun 20, 2022, VSRF engaged the services of a professional polling company (Pollfish) to survey 500 people who were selected entirely at random.

The implications of what we found in that poll were shocking: At least 2M Americans over 18 were injured by the COVID vaccine such that they are unable to hold a job.

The US government has never done any research to determine the extent of the injuries caused by the COVID vaccines. Now we know why.

The results of our poll were consistent with an earlier vaccine injury survey by the Israeli government and with the VAERS data which has been “lit up” since January 2021 telling us “the COVID vaccines are the most unsafe vaccines in human history.”

Now we have independent confirmation that the safety signals in VAERS were accurate, just like we’ve always said.

The numbers in this poll are absolutely shocking and there is no way to spin this as a positive.

This article includes the full Pollfish survey reports and individual response data so that anyone can analyze it themselves.

Key results from the poll

The poll was about the COVID vaccine exclusively, not about other vaccines. Stratified responses are age normalized to the US since the respondents who answered didn’t match the overall US demographics.

The key results include:

  1. Only 34% of the American public is buying the bullshit and taking the vax. This is why Dr. Peter Marks is so desperate to convince people to take the jab. They must have a lot of inventory they are trying to get rid of by injecting it into you. Dr. Marks will do anything except debate our team of experts (which now includes Dr. Clare Craig and Professor Norman Fenton, both of the HART group).
  2. >1% of vaccinated respondents reported they were so severely vaccine injured that they can’t hold a job
  3. >1% reported that they believe their injuries have shortened their lifespan
  4. Since there are 258M people over 18 in the US and 77.3% of the population has had at least one jab, this is roughly 200M jabbed Americans over 18. This means that roughly 2M Americans have been severely injured.
  5. 14% of the people surveyed said they were vaccine injured: this implies an estimate of over 25M Americans with a vaccine injury that required a doctor or hospital visit (=258M * .14*.8).
  6. Since only 77% are vaccinated, a 14% overall rate of vaccine injury is an 18% rate of injury if you were vaccinated (14%/.77).
  7. 200M people 18 and over who are vaccinated*(.18 injury rate) = 36M vaccine injured people
  8. 23% of the households have a vaccine injured person
  9. 33% of the extended families have a vaccine injured person
  10. In 80% of the cases where there was a vaccine injury, there was either a doctor visit(s) or hospital stay(s) or both.
  11. Nearly 50% of the injured are still impacted today.

Putting these results into perspective

Shortening the lifespan of 1% of the people who take the vaccine seems like a very high price to pay for a virus that can be easily treated with a near 100% success rate with repurposed drugs.

For example, my friends George Fareed and Brian Tyson now have treated over 12,000 COVID patients using a combination of repurposed drugs and supplements without a single hospitalization or death if they were treated within 5 days of first symptoms. They even have a top-selling book on Amazon with rave reviews. Despite all of that, the FDA, CDC, and NIH continue to ignore them. They can’t get anyone to return their calls. They’ve had their protocol since the very beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 (it’s evolved over time).

It is baffling that the FDA approves the vaccines for our kids under 5 based on the COVID case statistics from just 10 children (7 placebo and 3 in the treatment arm), yet Fareed and Tyson who have treated over 12,000 patients can’t get a return phone call.

We are spending billions of dollars to seriously injure over 2 million Americans and kill hundreds of thousands. In the process, we did not reduce COVID, but made the problem worse with nonsensical interventions when all we ever needed was some simple advice:

  1. If you are sick stay home
  2. If you test positive, start a proven early treatment protocol ASAP such as the Fareed-Tyson protocol

We never needed the vaccine, masks (which make the problem worse), lockdowns, mandates, social distancing, or new drugs. All we had to do was follow the two simple steps above. It was never more complicated than that.

The data

Here are the full poll results and a spreadsheet with each individual response so you can do you own analysis:

Here is the latest poll:

  1. The Pollfish June 20, 2022 summary report
  2. The full Pollfish June 20, 2022 data (spreadsheet)

Here is the original poll which lacks Q1 from the latest poll:

  1. The Pollfish June 18, 2022 summary report
  2. The full Pollfish June 18, 2022 data (spreadsheet)

Methodology and selection

Pollfish chose all recipients from a representative sample of America and normalized the results to represent the mix of Americans.

They sent the survey to over 500 people and used the first 500 people to respond and stopped sending out polls after that point.

The first question is completely unbiased and was answered by the 500. The survey counted anyone who answered the first question.

There is drop off in the questions because not all people were vaccine injured or had a family member who was vaccine injured.

To get to the 1% can’t work, we did random selections from the data and used the worst selection which was a factor of 6 lower than the actual number in the poll (there were 24 of the 500 who said they couldn’t work but we were able to find a random sample of 250 responses with just 2 reports of severe injury so we just extrapolated that very low to the entire 500, i.e., 4 out of 500.

Pivot table analysis of “unable to work”

Because we were tried to gather as much data as we could (we asked people to respond even they weren’t personally injured), we need to do a pivot table analysis rather than rely on the Pollfish summaries if we want to compute the true number of people who are so severely vaccine injured that they cannot hold a job.

I imported all the raw data into Airtable to do the analysis.

One of the most interesting results from the pivot table below is that if you are reporting your own injury, then 44% of the time you are unable to work. But the further the social distance to the injured party, the lower the estimate. In other words, you know your situation the best, but when you are estimating for others, you estimate the percentage is lower (37% and 23% for household and family members respectively). This suggests that your perception of injury for people who you don’t have a close relationship with is going to be very conservative, i.e., the claim “I don’t have any friends who are vaccine injured” is going to be an understatement.

We can clearly see from the pivot table that 24 (the Yes-Me value) out of the 387 who took the jab are injured (we got the 387 from Q1 where 500 respondents but 113 were unvaccinated so 500-113=387).

This appears to be a 6.2% rate of severe injury. In other words, for every 100 people who took the jab, 6 people ended up being unable to work.

This is a disaster. No vaccine in human history is anywhere close to sidelining 6% of the people injected.

Could this be a sampling issue? Of course it could!

A simple way to gauge the “statistical noise” in our 500 responses is to compute the ratios by random sampling.

For example, if we just used responses 5 to 255, we’d find just 2 people who were unable to work! This suggests that to be very conservative, we should assume there are just 4 vaccine injured out of the 387 who took the jab: an injury rate of 1%.

The actual rate is likely higher than that since we took the worst sample we drew out of 10 random draws of 250 samples. We’ll get a more accurate estimate if we increase the sample size.

Comparison with the rates of COVID vaccine injury that nurses report among their peers

Does an 18% injury rate seem high to you?

You may change your mind when you watch this video where I interview 7 nurses who were willing to speak out publicly and reveal the rate of vaccine injury among their peers. Some nurses wouldn’t talk, so the rates in these videos should be considered lower bounds. One of the nurses reported an injury rate of over 50% (9 of 16 nurses).

Note: There are audio and video dropouts on the call. Use the cursor button to skip over this. I’ve reported these issues to… their product feels like a beta test. Also, the preview has 8 nurses but there were only 7 in the call. Can you spot the duplicate?

Watch the video.


Jessica Rose’s take

She just sent me an email:

Steve, this is excellent. And aligns with my perceptions from the data.

Dr. Pierre Kory’s take

I sent him an email with all the data with a Subject line: Re: WHOA!!! this poll will BLOW YOUR MIND

Pierre quickly wrote back:

Wow is right. Those numbers are beyond disturbing, I have been calling this vaccine escapade a humanitarian catastrophe.. and this is what that looks like.

Comparison with VAERS

OpenVAERS shows 14,232 permanently disabled.

Using a URF of 128 for those injuries, we get 1.8M who are unable to work, comparable to the 2M number we estimated above.

As we noted above, we estimated that 25M Americans with a vaccine injury that required a doctor or hospital visit. Using the hospital + doctor visits number in VAERS and using our 128 URF (for non deadly symptoms), we get (163626+63978)*128 = 29M which is close to the 25M number estimated from our poll.

So maybe VAERS isn’t such a bad estimator after all.

Validation by the FRED data

The FRED data shows that there were just 1.8M excess people added to the disability rollsDisability is defined here.

The 1.8M is a good match to the 2M unable to work that we estimated from our polling data.

Validation by the government of Israel

Our final validation point is the proactive poll done by the government of Israel to assess vaccine side effects among the vaccinated. This article describes that study. Among the highlights:

  1. About 25% of people with pre-existing auto-immune disorders, depression or anxiety reported a worsening of their symptoms following the booster.
  2. 4.5% of respondents reported neurological problems
  3. 17% reported shaking. Ask yourself: have you ever experienced shaking from a previous vaccine? I didn’t think so.

So our 18% rate of injury isn’t all that far off what the Israeli government found (in particular the 17% rate of shaking).

Validation by anecdote

A Detroit TV station asked people for stories of the unvaxxed dying from COVID and instead was hammered with over 180,000 stories of vaccine injuries that the station then ignored.

If a Detroit TV station can get 180,000 stories of vaccine injuries without even trying, how many vaccine injury stories do you think are out there? I’d guess a lot more than 180,000.

Imagine… a vaccine so powerful it can generate 180,000 injuries documented right there. So there are likely at least 10X more in the entire country would be a pretty conservative estimate.

Crude cost benefit analysis

The Pfizer trial which was done early when the vaccine closer matched the variant of COVID only saved 1 COVID life for every 22,000 fully vaccinated people. So when we look at comparing fewer than 10,000 lives saved (since there are 220M fully vaccinated people) with the 2M people who are permanently disabled and the over 200,000 who were killed by the COVID vaccines, it looks like an extremely bad trade off because the risk > > benefit.

What vaccine injury look like

Many people never recognize vaccine injury because they don’t know what it looks like.

For example, as I am writing this article, I received the following message from one of my subscribers:

So my mom’s very dear friend called me tonight to tell me that her cancer came back. She was diagnosed over 20 years ago and has been cancer-free. I asked her did you get boosted she said yes, I already knew she was vaccinated. She said don’t start asking me these questions. What does that have to do with anything? They now found cancer all over her uterus and it’s now spreading to her body. You think it’s from the vaccine?  She was perfectly fine all these years before getting vaccinated. It makes me so sad she will probably end up dying.

I hear these stories all the time of a new cancer or a cancer that was under control suddenly coming back with a vengeance. These aren’t coincidences. While for any individual case it may be difficult to determine a cause, in aggregate we are seeing rates of cancer post vaccine that are unprecedented.

This is why Dr. Ryan Cole said, “Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis.”

Note: It’s amusing to me that when you search for that quote in Google, you only get articles debunking the claim whereas if you search in DuckDuckGo, you get articles with the original quote. This is pretty sad because Dr. Cole is highly respected among his peers for telling the truth. It’s a pity we never get a chance to have a fair debate with people who claim we are spreading misinformation.

And the personal stories

A lot of people tell me they know hundreds of people and none are vaccine injured.


Or perhaps 95% of the vaccine injured don’t speak out about their vaccine injury.

We saw from the poll that people are poor at spotting vaccine injuries of their friends. For example, I have many friends who are vaccine injured but you’d never know it unless you asked them.

It feels like for every person who sees nothing, I hear from people with the opposite experience. Here’s one from overseas with multiple vaccines:

I have had so many of my relatives, neighbors and acquaintances succumb to this poison. Just yesterday a 30 year old acquaintance died of a sudden heart attack. My aunt is suffering from autoimmune mediated arthritis after she got her 2nd Pfizer shot. A neighbor died after receiving the first dose of Sinovac Vaccine. A relative died after receiving the 2nd dose of SinoVac….So many to list!!

Replicating the poll

The out-of-pocket cost for the poll is $500. Anyone could replicate it.

I’m sure fact checkers will spend $50,000 to replicate it 100 times until they get the results that match their narrative, and then publish that.

We didn’t do that. We’ve never asked this set of questions ever before. The questions weren’t designed to elicit a specific response. We put together the questions we wanted, we ran the poll, and we published the results.

But the poll is affordable enough that if you don’t believe me, you can replicate it yourself.

Attacking this poll

I know what is going to happen.

The underqualified “fact checkers” are going to be out in force on this one. They’ll say the survey is biased, that there was a lot of drop off, and that ONLY vaccine injured people answered the key questions.

There is only one tiny little problem with such analysis: it isn’t true.

The respondents were a cross section of America chosen by Pollfish. The survey stops accruing new takers after the first 500 responses are received. The first question was neutral in that answering it tells you nothing about what lies ahead. There is therefore no selection bias upon reading the first question.

Secondly, there was drop off. That was expected. But it didn’t matter because we are using absolute counts.

Thirdly, they will say it was a small poll of only 500 people. That’s true. We will be repeating the poll with a larger sample size to reduce the confidence intervals.

Finally, the fact checker could claim, without any evidence (who needs evidence when you are the fact checker?), that the evil anti-vaxers gamed the result. I looked for evidence of gaming and didn’t find any. For example, if you were unvaccinated and nobody in your family was injured, nobody answered the “unable to hold job” injury question.

Why didn’t our government warn us of all of this?

At the very least our government should have warned us with something like:

Hey, the Pfizer trial showed we can save 1 life in 22,000 from dying from COVID. So to save 10,000 lives from a COVID death, we’re going to disable 1.8M of you and kill over 200,000 of you. That’s just the way it goes.


The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in human history. There are systemic flaws in the medical system that cause doctors to fail to recognize the evidence in plain sight. But that doesn’t change the reality. The COVID vaccines have killed hundreds of thousands of people and severely injured millions more. Since there is a safe, inexpensive alternative (early treatment protocols) with near 100% efficacy in reducing hospitalization and death, the vaccines should be immediately halted for all age groups. That would be the right thing to do.

But admitting they made a mistake would be an embarrassment to the medical community, government agencies, and Congress. So they will continue to look the other way and find ways to discredit the evidence and the brave people who are speaking out. They will continue to avoid any accountability by agreeing to an open debate. And in the meantime, millions more will be disabled, and hundreds of thousands will die prematurely.

Doctors and nurses know what is going on, but will not speak out as a group because they will lose their jobs and ability to practice medicine. So they keep their heads down.

The other doctors are so blue-pilled, they actually still believe the CDC. When Pfizer presents safety and efficacy data that is appalling to anyone with a working brain, they simply look at the vote count of the outside committees (unanimously approved) and never bother to learn more about what just happened. They won’t even watch this 4 minute video that explains just how bad the trial data was.

When we discovered that there wasn’t a single death from COVID-19 in the entire state of Massachusetts in both 2020 and 2021 in age 5 to 11, did that change anything? Of course not. COVID is an emergency because it might kill kids in the future and you can never be too careful when it comes to saving kids’ lives. But when large numbers of kids are killed by the vaccine, we simply look the other way. That’s not an emergency; it doesn’t even exist. Their odd causes of death are ignored.

My survey can be easily replicated at low cost. Over 2M Americans are so seriously injured they cannot hold a job. It’s not something you joke about.

The sad thing is that my survey won’t change any minds, even if it is replicated over and over. It will just add more evidence to the public record that the medical community is causing great harm and completely incapable of seeing the truth. They will not allow themselves to be held accountable in an open discussion— ever.

The American people won’t change their minds until the doctors change their minds. And the doctors are so well trained to respect the medical authorities like the FDA, CDC, and NIH and/or sufficiently afraid of the repercussions of speaking out, that nothing will change anytime soon.

The truth always comes out sooner or later. The later it comes out, the greater the damage will be to all these institutions that people once trusted.

The other thing I know is that the scale of this deception is unprecedented. When this unravels, which I have no doubt that it will, it will destroy our trust in:

  1. the medical community
  2. the HHS government agencies: CDC, FDA, NIH
  3. the mainstream media
  4. Congress
  5. State and local government officials
  6. CEOs who imposed vaccine mandates
  7. local health officials
  8. Mainstream social networks
  9. Fact checkers
  10. The Gates Foundation
  11. Bill Gates
  12. The Rockefeller Foundation
  13. the drug companies
  14. medical boards
  15. clinical trials
  16. medical journals
  17. … and more…

This survey is just one more nail in the coffin of the “safe and effective” narrative. Nothing more.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

ANR Founder Says He Will Pay Any Australian Parent $1000 USD in Cryptocurrency, (Truthcoin) That Refuses To Kill or Injure Their Baby or Child With the Deadly, Unsafe, Ineffective and Totally Unnecessary C0VID Jabs

ANR Founder Says He Will Pay Any Australian Parent $1000 USD in Cryptocurrency, (Truthcoin) That Refuses To Kill or Injure Their Baby or Child With the Deadly, Unsafe, Ineffective and Totally Unnecessary C0VID Jabs

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says he will pay any Australian Parent $1000 USD in cryptocurrency, (Truthcoin) that refuses to kill or injure their baby or child with the deadly, unsafe, ineffective and totally unnecessary Covid jabs.
He said he admits a $1000 is nothing compared to how much the TV networks and some Government Officials are being paid to push these deadly drugs upon innocent people that are killing 1 Australian every 15 mins (according to Jan 2022 excess mortality rates of 22.1% increase of 2865 – almost all deaths are after they have been vaccinated)

Truthcoin lists on exchanges in coming weeks. and is able to be used for advertising credits and subscriptions across the TruthGroup and Global Independent Media Partners and “ growing marketplace“.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

Vikki Will Become the First Person in the UK To Receive a C0VID Jab Damage Payment of £120,000

Vikki Will Become the First Person in the UK To Receive a C0VID Jab Damage Payment of £120,000

By Tommy Robinson News

Mark Steyn speaks to Vikki, whose fiancé died after having the AstraZeneca Covid jab.

Vikki will become the first person in the UK to receive a Covid jab damage payment of £120,000.

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

Aussie Children As Young As Six Months Old Will Be Given C0VID Jabs in Weeks

Aussie Children As Young As Six Months Old Will Be Given C0VID Jabs in Weeks

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says, “any parent reckless and careless enough, naïve and gullible, to have their babies, or children, Covid injected, should be aware, that apart from risking their lives and health, that we raise money continually for legal slush fund’s, that will pursue parents for crimes against humanity, to make an example of them.”

He went on to say
“Just don’t do it, or suffer the consequences of murdering your child, and also risk losing your house.
Your child has zero scientific risk of dying of Covid, but a very high risk of not surviving injury free from a deadly Covid vaccine. Listen to dodgy pro vaxx drug spruikers who profit from getting your baby jabbed, and you’ll live to regret it. Just think for a moment how you will feel when you discover too late that you were lied to by your Government & MSM that is paid to sell these deadly drugs”

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