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Global Issues

Answering the Critics of “Died Suddenly”

Answering the Critics of “Died Suddenly”

By Steve Kirsch

I respond to a critic and a “fact-checker.” You get to decide who is telling you the truth.

The critic, Eric Burnett, MD says there is nothing to see here: these are just regular post-mortem blood clots

You can watch his video here:

Then you can read the rebuttal I just got from Ryan Cole, MD and decide for yourself who is telling you the truth and who is lying to you. Please ask Dr. Burnett if he will accept Dr. Cole’s invitation to resolve the matter. He will never accept the invitation.

Dr. Cole’s response to Dr. Burnett doesn’t pull any punches

Eric Burnett, MD is an internist, not a pathologist, nor mortician. The arrogance of inferring that a mortician, a professional, beyond his experience, cannot make a valid observation beyond his own naïveté, is the epitome of hubris. He has likely seen one or two autopsies in his entire career. He has not seen, observed, nor described countless post mortem clots. A gelatinous saddle embolus is “apples to oranges” compared to these post “clot shot” death clots. He has never embalmed a body. He is entirely and exceedingly out of his lane. Post mortem, rubbery clots are as rare as hen’s teeth. He is likely covering his “gene injection” pushing ass. Morticians did not have trouble cannulating and embalming bodies prior to the jabs. He is acting as a bloviating, pharma, financial and hospital administrator defending shill, having zero experience, nor idea of what he speaks.

Something is overwhelmingly wrong with the “clot shot.” If he were half awake, his conjecture would not be reflecting  the myopic view of the inside of his inexperienced anus.

With a modicum of humility, he might acknowledge alarming rates of excess deaths in the hyper injected, young and healthy and see the actual harm of failed gene based experimental injections, that have maimed and killed hundreds of thousands to millions.

Having performed countless career autopsies, examined dozens of these novel clots, extensively explored the spike protein clotting mechanisms, diagnosed over 500,000 patients through the microscope, in my extensive career, I invite my colleague, Dr. Burnett, and any colleague, from around the world, to sit at my microscope, and observe the truth, and set aside their purchased pride. The cells don’t lie!!!

Honor the dead who speak loudly. Stop fantasizing that you can ever vaccinate ahead of an always mutating coronavirus, especially with a “variant expired” investigational gene product.

Honor your oath to “first do no harm,” instead of hiding behind an uninformed ego, shaded with harmfully naïve, humanity destroying pride.

The fact-checker

Here’s the “fact check”

The “fact check” says:

  1. In the video montage of people who died suddenly, there is no information on some of these people that they were vaccinated. And there is no PROOF that the vaccine CAUSED the death.
  2. The quote from Gates was taken out of context.

He’s right on both points!

  1. It would be more convincing if the fact checker could rule out the vaccine in the cause of these deaths. But he does not.
  2. I’ve personally heard Gates express his rationale for how the vaccine reduces population growth (the argument is that families will need to have fewer kids because more will survive).

He missed one too which I will point out: the footage shown at 47:45 of a man falling off a chair near his long desk is not recent. That footage came out in early Jan. 2020.

I’m sure there are other errors. And I think the implications of this being a conspiracy to depopulate the planet is not well supported.

The big point is that our “fact checker” conveniently ignores the primary claim about the embalmers. That’s the meat of the story here. Over 100 embalmers are seeing “never before seen” clots only in people who have been vaccinated or received blood transfusions. The embalmers I’ve talked to are seeing these clots in over half the deaths. The fact check is silent on the major point of the movie. There’s a reason for that: there is no way to refute it or provide an alternate explanation. So they hope that their fact check will cause you to avoid watching the film by focusing on parts that are less convincing.


The embalmer observations are not debatable. Anyone who tries to debunk it will fail. The cells don’t lie.

This is why no mainstream media reporter will touch this story and why Dr. Burnett will never accept Dr. Cole’s kind offer.

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2nd Grade Student Suddenly Dies, Kids Struggling to Concentrate Post-Vaccination

2nd Grade Student Suddenly Dies, Kids Struggling to Concentrate Post-Vaccination


Alberta schoolteachers break their silence on what they’re witnessing after the shots.

An epidemic of sudden death by “unknown cause” is taking effect in Canada. It has overtaken dementia and heart disease to become Alberta’s top killer. And after doctors have had to comply — or else to strict vaccine mandates, 93 Canadian physicians have now succumbed to sudden death.

Canadian doctor William Makis reported heavy-hearted news while speaking to Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson.


It’s not just doctors who are dying suddenly or unexpectedly. Of course, doctors are the most vaccinated young people. Most of them have had four shots, even five shots. They have to be fully vaccinated to be able to work. But it’s other professions that are seeing sudden deaths as well. We’re seeing it in nurses. We’re seeing it in paramedics, police, firefighters — but now we’re even seeing it in teachers.

I’ve recently been contacted by an Alberta teacher who wishes to remain anonymous, but this individual told me that they’ve just lost a grade 2 student in their school. They’ve just lost suddenly — sudden death. They’ve also lost a teacher in their 30s — also sudden death, sudden cardiac death. And they are panicking.

For them, this is unprecedented. And they’ve reached out to me, and they said they’ve been silent. They’ve been silent up to now, but they’re seeing sudden deaths. They’re seeing injuries, kids are getting immune reactions — asthma. They’re having all kinds of reactions; they can’t concentrate in class. Kids can’t concentrate in class after the vaccination. So this is really, really worrying. And teachers are now starting to reach out to me and tell me what they’re seeing in the classrooms.


We’re seeing sudden death at rates we’ve never before — but we’re also seeing these strange, white clots.

“And the data just keeps growing and growing with respect to these clots and things that we’re seeing,” commented Laura-Lynn. “Absolutely,” replied Makis.

Now there’s a new movie out that’s going viral called ‘Died Suddenly’ — produced by Stew Peters. And it’s got over 10 million views on rumble. And they’re showing these bizarre clots that are forming in people who’ve died following the vaccination. It’s not just regular blood clots. It’s these long, rubbery, white-grayish blood clots that look like rubber bands or calamari.

And there’s actually research that’s been done on this. Scientists have taken blood — they’ve exposed it to the spike protein, and they saw, right away, the blood starts clumping almost immediately. As soon as it’s exposed to the spike protein, [it] starts clumping immediately.

Then you start getting all these proteins getting built into the blood clots — these amyloid proteins that make amyloid fibrils, and you end up with these long, long clots very firm, very rubbery. And the body cannot degrade these clots. So the body is unable to break these clots down, and when people are put on blood thinners, the blood thinners don’t work. So doctors are discovering that regular blood thinners don’t actually work on these clots.

This is really worrisome information. If you’d like more info on how to help you or someone you love detox the spike protein out of the body, the World Council for Health’s guide is a great place to start.

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COVID 19 deaths and injuries

The Genetic Mechanism by which the COVID mRNA Jabs cause the Intravascular Growths seen in the ‘Died Suddenly’ Documentary

The Genetic Mechanism by which the COVID mRNA Jabs cause the Intravascular Growths seen in the ‘Died Suddenly’ Documentary


Elon Musk’s new Twitter platform is hosting DiedSuddenly, a full-length movie about the intravascular growths first reported by the courageous John O’Looney, a funeral director in the UK, and covered by Patricia Harrity in the Expose on 2022January28.

Youtube will not host the production, which is the best reference I can give for the movie. Twitter is hosting it, which is the best reference I can give for their new platform rules. Elon paid $44 billion for the privilege of using Twitter to advance scientific knowledge rather than enforce political oppression – which privilege the European Union seeks to deny him with their self-serving and false definition of hate speech.

So in return, it is my pleasure to answer the $64 billion question:

What is causing the rubbery blood clots that so many embalmers are now finding in young and middle-aged people who died suddenly? 

By a concerned reader

Having watched the entire movie, which although a bit gory is a most revealing and explicit testament to the damage vaccines do to the human body. I was able to put the following jigsaw together. Here are the 2 pieces of the puzzle.

1. mRNA vaccines comprise the computer-generated spike protein RNA of the computer-generated virus but with the Uracil base replaced by N1 Methyl Pseudouridine (m1Ψ where the m stands for Methyl, the 1 stand for N1 and the Ψ for pseudo-uridine), or fake Uracil. This indeed is the meaning of MODIFIED RNA. The RNA is modified by replacing Uracil with fake Uracil. Therefore a more appropriate name would be fRNA vaccines, FAKE RNA vaccines

I covered this in the Expose on 2022January12 in an article entitled – How the Covid-19 Vaccinated became genetically modified humans. In the section headed: The incalculable danger of immune system evading genetically modified fake RNA vaccines. I explained that regular uracil is recognised as genetic material by cell security and is degraded within a few minutes. Whereas fake Uracil is not recognised as genetic material by the immune system and therefore is not broken down and lasts for months continually instructing your cell ribosomes to make more and more spike proteins, way beyond what would be needed for vaccination purposes.

Regular messenger RNA is essentially an email between your cell nucleus (which contains your DNA) and you cell ribosomes (which make your cell proteins). The email generally says: Please make this many protein chains and fold them up like this. After the message has been physically relayed from the cell nucleus to the ribosome by the messenger RNA, the RNA is then deleted like any email. It is thrown into the trash can.

But modified RNA, mRNA, the type used in the vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna, fRNA, fake RNA, cannot be deleted. It cannot be thrown into the trash by the cell, because it is a stealth email. It communicates with the ribosome, but is invisible to cell security. Such a thing might be quite useful in the IT world actually.

So the email just continues to instruct and reinstruct and reinstruct the cell ribosomes to make more and more spike proteins. That is bad enough. But the real problem arises when the fRNA does begin to break down a few months (rather than minutes) after cell infection. Because then the cell has all this fake Uracil lying around.

I was really worried that this fake base might then find its way into other normal cell processes and start making other cell emails invisible to cell security and therefore unstoppable as well. This would manifest itself in the cell churning out a whole load of proteins that it did not need. Whenever the cell nucleus (head office) asked the ribosomes (protein factories) to make a few copies of a protein, the ribosomes would just keep churning out more and more of that protein indefinitely.

2. Looking at the rubber clots. The movie DiedSuddenly showed that they were elastic and looked and felt and behaved very much like vascular walls. They are of course found within veins and arteries. Some of the rubbery growths were almost as long as the veins in which they were found.

So let’s put this 2 piece jigsaw together, shall we?

What proteins do vascular wall cells make? Well unsurprisingly they make vascular wall proteins and they make whole new vascular wall cells too.

What happens if emails between their head offices and production lines cannot be deleted because they are made from fake Uracil rather than true Uracil? Well, they make far too much vascular wall protein and far too many vascular wall cells.

What will the cell do with unwanted excess vascular wall protein overproduction? Evict it into the bloodstream.

What will vascular wall protein do in the bloodstream? It will go around and around until it finds some more vascular wall protein which it will bind to in an attempt to build a vascular wall. Likewise with the excess vascular wall cells.

These then are what the embalmers are seeing in the blood vessels. The vascular wall cells are being instructed by undeletable protein-making instructions to make way too much vascular wall protein and far too many copies of themselves. And this protein is ejected into the bloodstream and these extra cells start using these proteins to make new blood vessels within your existing blood vessels. That is what these growths are.

The body has to make some vascular wall cells to repair and replace old and damaged cells. When it tries to do that, it sends an instruction to start production to the cell ribosomes. Its mechanism for stopping production is to delete that instruction, to delete the messenger RNA email. But that mechanism does not work with modified messenger RNA, with fake messenger RNA, which cannot be deleted. So you just go on building more and more blood vessels within your blood vessels. It is rather like having a kind of vascular overproduction cancer.

What fRNA does is it turns the repair and replacement workshop of your vascular system into a huge construction site, rebuilding your entire vascular system within the one you already have.

This was my worst nightmare when I first considered the effect that Pseudouridine might have after having listened to Senator Ron Johnson’s Vaccine symposium in Washington..

These embalmers are pulling newly made blood vessels out of your pre-existing blood vessels. The fake RNA is making fake blood vessels.

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State Of Affairs

105 Countries are Exploring CBDCs and 11 Have Already Launched Them

105 Countries are Exploring CBDCs and 11 Have Already Launched Them


At an International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) seminar last month, IMF’s Deputy Managing Director and former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, Bo Li, spoke about the “programmability” of central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”):

“CBDC can improve financial inclusion [ ] through what we call programmability. That is CBDC can allow government agencies and private sector players to program, to create smart contract, to allow targeted policy functions. For example, welfare payment, for example, consumption coupon, for example, food stamp.  By programming CBDC, those money can be precisely targeted for what kind of people can own and what kind of use this money can be utilised, for example, for food.”

IMF: Central Bank Digital Currencies for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards, 14 October 2022

GingerJim tweeted an interview from a couple of years ago with someone who explained the impact a pilot program being tested in Shenzhen, China, had on people’s daily lives.

In the video below, Russell Brand also issued warnings as he provided a commentary on installed UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s infamous speech last year and IMF’s Li’s comments on CBDCs.

Russell Brand: Oh Sh*t, It’s REALLY Happening, 1 November 2022

Status of CBDCs Worldwide

In May 2020, 35 countries were considering a CBDC according to the Atlantic Council CBDC Tracker.

In November 2021, Visual Capitalist summarised the status of CBDCs using data from the Atlantic Council CBDC Tracker.  Although widespread adoption of CBDCs is still far away, Visual Capitalist wrote, research and experiments are making notable strides forward:

  • 81 countries representing 90% of global GDP are exploring CBDCs.
  • The share of central banks actively engaging in CBDC work grew to 86% in the last 4 years.
  • 60% of central banks are conducting experiments on CBDCs (up from 42% in 2019) and 14% are moving forward to development and pilot arrangement.
  • The Bahamas is one of five countries currently working with a CBDC – the Bahamian Sand Dollar.
  • Sweden and Uruguay have shown interest in a digital currency. Sweden began testing an “e-krona” in 2020, and Uruguay announced tests to issue digital Uruguayan pesos as far back as 2017.
  • The People’s Bank of China has been running CBDC tests since April 2020. In all, tens of thousands of citizens have participated, spending 2 billion yuan, and the country is poised to be the first to fully launch a CBDC.

The UK central bank was less optimistic about rolling out a CBDC in the near future, Visual Capitalist noted last year. “The proposed digital currency – dubbed “Britcoin” – is unlikely to arrive until at least 2025.”

In August 2022, Visual Capitalist updated the status of CBDC worldwide, again using data from the Atlantic Council.  It was then as it is now, 105 out of 109 countries being tracked are exploring CBDCs. These 105 countries represent over 95% of global GDP.

Atlantic Council Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker, retrieved 28 November 2022

Based on this data, Visual Capitalist produced a table listing each country and summarised the data in graphics. “When aggregated, we can see that the majority of countries are in the research stage,” they wrote.

Visualised: The State of Central Bank Digital Currencies, Visual Capitalist

As can be seen above, 9% of countries have launched a digital currency to date.  The 9% is 11 countries. You can see which 11 countries these are in the table in Visual Capitalist’s article. One of them is Nigeria.

This includes Nigeria, which became the first African country to do so in October 2021. Half of the country’s 200 million population is believed to have no access to bank accounts.

Adoption of the eNaira (the digital version of the naira) has so far been relatively sluggish. The eNaira app has accumulated 700,000 downloads as of April 2022. That’s equal to 0.35% of the population, though not all of the downloads are users in Nigeria.

Conversely, 33.4 million Nigerians were reported to be trading or owning crypto assets, despite the Central Bank of Nigeria’s attempts to restrict usage.

Visualised: The State of Central Bank Digital Currencies, Visual Capitalist

The main graphic in Visual Capital’s article is a world map showing the status by country which is too large to include here.  However, further down the page the world map is divided by region, see below.

CBDCs and totalitarian control through their use is not a conspiracy theory – it is a conspiracy. James Melville posted a Twitter thread on CBDCs which is worth reading.  He began:

“Central banks and governments are nudging us towards this. We cannot let this happen. Wake up before it’s too late.”


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State Of Affairs

Lara Logan on Election Fraud in Arizona

Lara Logan on Election Fraud in Arizona

By LauraAboli

Lara Logan on Election Fraud in Arizona.

Maricopa county, where the most voter fraud occurred perhaps in US history, has certified the fake election!

Click Here To Play Video

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Kanye West Exposes Beyonce & Jay Z for Doing Hollywood Sacrifices

Kanye West Exposes Beyonce & Jay Z for Doing Hollywood Sacrifices

By This Happened

Kanye West Exposes Beyonce & Jay Z for Doing Hollywood Sacrifices

Kanye West is coming for Beyonce and Jay Z and exposing them for doing…SACRIFICES??

Here’s what others had to say:

Cris Cross
When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

Aquarian Nation
I don’t even like Kanye but I believe him 100%! Good for him for standing up to these sick people that run Hollywood.

Morri Mohr
There is more evil and corruption than we can possibly imagine in the entertainment industry – I praise him for speaking out!

Toya Shae
I’m starting to understand him more and more. The big companies tried to twist his words to make the world turn against him, but if you listen to him and read between the lines a lot of his dialogue is spot on.

Suzanne Robbins
I really like Kanye, and I am a 76 year old white lady! I see what the media wants to do to him! I admire him, and his passion for truth! I totally believe that Jay Z and Beyoncé are very much into some very dark things! Thanks to Kanye for daring to expose them!

ShavonJenae #QueenIAm
I dreamed of Beyoncé when she transitioned: she was offered a life of more fame then she could imagine, she laughed and said but I am already famous. They responded with you have more than you ever wanted. They walked her into a dark room with candles lit all around . There was a contract on the table that she was ask to sign. She reached down to pick up the pen but it pricked her finger and blood spilled onto the contract. She proceed to pick the pen up to sign but they stopped her and said that’s all they needed. She was then escorted out of the room into a big light. This was right around the time Sasha Fierce was born. I kid you not I didn’t even care for Beyoncé at the time too much, I woke up like wtf!! I remember that dream like it was yesterday. I have visions of so much but again when I tell people they just think just look at me like I am crazy even when it comes true rt after I told them. They still don’t want to believe me. Ye is not Crazy

Greer Benz
““Kanye lost $2 billion in one day” but self-respect is priceless.

Ruthie Bowes
I hope he keeps speaking out.
“We are not only fighting against flesh and blood but the unseen rulers and principalities of this world.. “

Cannon Baller2020
Kanye has nothing to lose and everything to gain. He’s still worth millions. He’s a wonderful father to his children. But the biggest thing is he has MILLIONS of people tuned into what he is saying, and we’re all asking the questions he’s giving us the answers to.

Vanessa Noland
He’s definitely not crazy,I believed him the first time he exposed the Industry when he went on stage at his concert years ago,he was trying to let us k ow then but people wasn’t ready for truth,I knew then he wasn’t crazy like the powers that be were trying to make us think,he just took the opportunity that presented itself to do it that way,he knew he had a lot of people in one place listening that came to see him,he thought what better way and time to speak and expose things,but his truth didn’t go over well cause the world were deeply in their ignorance and wasn’t ready to receive,he’s just exposing these deceptive devils that our people worship,these black devils in Hollywood knows the black race is ignorant and will believe and whore after them believing everything and anything they tell them,it’s sooo sad how our black race look up to the very people that have played a big part in destroying them,our people need to understand they are following the very devils they go to church and pray against,but see our people is in la la land thinking the devil is a red demon with a pitch fork and tail,no no no it’s most,I won’t say all but 90% of your rappers,singers,movie stars,your Shaqs,Landon James,Charles Barkley,Steven A Smith,it’s all them that’s always in your face talking down on their own people when someone comes out to expose things going on,you’ll know Hollywoods black gatekeepers cause those the ones Hollywood sends out in the media to talk down on the person that expose the evil they’re doing,People wake up especially Black People cause every evil deed that’s planned is to destroy you and keep you ignorant and dumbed down keeping you from coming into the God And Goddess they know you are.

Brittany Bell
I’m convinced they only let you become a billionaire if you follow some type of rules. Most of these billionaires don’t even leave their own children a dime when they pass on. Very strange.

Sara Naidu
He’s just being honest, and possibly save many from the entertainment industry!! Alot of these entertainers possibly do not want to be famous anymore because it comes with a price, and therefore are afraid to speak out about the truth as to what’s really happening around them. Many of them have gone crazy and so there is definitely something bad happening to them.

Alejandro Barron
It’s crazy how manipulated people are to see Beyoncé as a “queen” . They are making us worship her in front of our eyes and we just let it happen.


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These NZ Doctor’s have Baby’s Blood on their Hands – Will’s Right to Choose

These NZ Doctor’s have Baby’s Blood on their Hands – Will’s Right to Choose

By Counterspin New Zealand


A Free NZ Production.

Meet Master WILL SAVAGE REEVES – 4mths Old from New Zealand

Will requires open heart surgery, for this he will require a blood transfusion.

Will’s parents wish for their baby son to recieve unvaccinated blood.

The Blood Bank and the Auckland Hospital have refused their request for direct donor unvaccinated blood, for which they have 20+ willing and suitable donors and intend to undertake the surgery using VACCINATED blood!

This is a time-sensitive and desperate situation with a hearing on Wednesaday 30th November regarding guardianship of little Will.

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Facemasks Reintroduced Across South Australian Schools Amid COVID-19 Surge

Facemasks Reintroduced Across South Australian Schools Amid COVID-19 Surge

By 9News Staff

Facemasks will be reintroduced in some Adelaide schools as South Australia grapples with a surge in COVID-19 cases.

Noarlunga Downs and Salisbury Park primary schools have been ordered to mask up once again.

The advice from South Australia Health follows outbreaks in the Year Five and Year Six class at Noarlunga Downs, and the disability unit at Salisbury Park.

Face masks must be work by adults entering the grounds of Noarlunga Downs Primary School.

Face masks must be work by adults entering the grounds of Noarlunga Downs Primary School.

Education Minister Blair Boyer confirmed teachers and adults at the school will have to wear masks for two weeks.

“We’re in a better position than we were but it does put pressure on the system when you lose staff like that, it does affect students and their learning,” Boyer said.

COVID-19 seen under the microscope.

COVID-19 infections are rising as a fourth wave ripples across the country.

With just three weeks left of the term, Boyer today ruled out mandating masks across all schools and has no plans for blanket restrictions.

“I’m confident with that natural circuit breaker that the summer holidays present, will be enough for us to reset,” he said.

“Hopefully we will be past this wave.”

A total of 715 South Australian students have the virus in week seven of this term. That’s more than double 295 at the end of last term.

Of the teachers, 346 are infected, up from just 72.

With 9000 cases recorded across the state last week, modelling suggests South Australia is nearing the peak of the fourth coronavirus wave.

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State Of Affairs

Petition EN4638 – Disadvantages of Central Bank Digital Currencies (The eAUD)

Petition EN4638 – Disadvantages of Central Bank Digital Currencies (The eAUD)


Senator ANTIC Talks in Parliament about Tracking Citizens

Click Here To Play Video

IMPORTANT – Senator Antic

‘You’re being set up to be tracked through your movements and through the future of your digital wallets.

By handing over your data, you’re handing over the ability to monitor your behaviour, which will soon be
turned into a social credit score. Once the central bank digital currencies are in place, you won’t get to spend your money without approval.

Digital ID will soon become a reality in Australia. Many other countries are already rolling these systems out, countries like Canada, Scotland and many others.

Eventually, you won’t be able to access any government or public services, and you won’t be able to travel across borders or access health care or the internet
without a digital ID.

The last 2yrs were the dress rehearsal & we fell for it.
Australians are sleepwalking into this technocratic future.

While we’re sitting around, scratching our chins, Australia is drifting towards a dystopian digital future.’

Petition Reason
As Australian citizens, we should be concerned about the disadvantages of a Central Bank Digital Currency

Traceability: In the case where physical cash is eliminated entirely, this eliminates our ability to transact in a fully anonymous manner

Negative Rates: With CBDCs, you cannot withdraw your digital tokens & hold them under the mattress. If there is no option for physical cash, this gives central banks the ability to implement negative interest rates

Programmability: CBDCs give central banks a unique opportunity to make money “programmable”. For example: Expiration, with a direct relationship with your central bank, CBDCs could permit a currency expiration policy. Your money could be programmed so if you don’t spend the $5000 in your account by next Saturday, it will expire

Petition Request
We therefore ask the House to enshrine the use of cash in law.


State Of Affairs

Apple Hobbled a Crucial Tool of Dissent in China Weeks Before Widespread Protests Broke Out

Apple Hobbled a Crucial Tool of Dissent in China Weeks Before Widespread Protests Broke Out

By Zachary M. Seward

Anti-government demonstrations will have to manage without a key communication vehicle.

Anti-government protests flared in several Chinese cities and on college campuses over the weekend. But the country’s most widespread show of public dissent in decades will have to manage without a crucial communication tool, because Apple restricted its use in China earlier this month.

AirDrop, the file-sharing feature on iPhones and other Apple devices, has helped protestors in many authoritarian countries evade censorship. That’s because AirDrop relies on direct connections between phones, forming a local network of devices that don’t need the internet to communicate. People can opt into receiving AirDrops from anyone else with an iPhone nearby.

That changed on Nov. 9, when Apple released a new version of its mobile operating system, iOS 16.1.1, to customers worldwide. Rather than listing new features, as it often does, the company simply said, “This update includes bug fixes and security updates and is recommended for all users.”

Hidden in the update was a change that only applies to iPhones sold in mainland China: AirDrop can only be set to receive messages from everyone for 10 minutes, before switching off. There’s no longer a way to keep the “everyone” setting on permanently on Chinese iPhones. The change, first noticed by Chinese readers of 9to5Mac, doesn’t apply anywhere else.

AirDrop has been an effective communication tool for protestors in Hong Kong, as Quartz previously documented. It’s been used to communicate with other protestors, reach passersby, and spread messages to tourists from mainland China visiting Hong Kong. On the mainland, protestors have also AirDropped protest literature, particularly on college campuses where some of the current protests have broken out. China’s control of the internet has become so strong that dissidents must cling to any crack in the so-called Great Firewall.

Apple didn’t respond to questions about the AirDrop change. It plans to make the “Everyone for 10 Minutes” feature a global standard next year, according to Bloomberg. AirDrops can indeed be a nuisance in normal settings: If you opt into receiving files from everyone and don’t turn it off, you might find yourself on the receiving end of unwanted memes or worse.

But why did Apple rush out the change unannounced, in an unassuming update to iOS in early November, and apply it only to Chinese iPhones? One clue may lie in what happened the month prior, when Xi Jinping’s anointment to a third term as China’s leader was met with rare displays of public dissent.

In the most visible protest, a dissident now known as Bridge Man lit a fire on a bridge in Beijing to draw attention to his protest banners. One read, “Go on strike at school and work, remove dictator and national traitor Xi Jinping.” References to the banners were quickly censored across the Chinese internet, but photos still made their way through private channels. Vice reported that Bridge Man’s messages were spreading on the Shanghai subway via AirDrop.

An illicit photo of Bridge Man’s message.
An illicit photo of Bridge Man’s message.

Even as Apple has sought to reduce its reliance on Chinese manufacturing, its market share among Chinese consumers is growing: 16% of smartphone shipments in China last quarter were iPhones, up from 11% a year ago, according to market research firm Canalys. (Vivo, a Chinese company, is the market leader, with 20% of smartphone shipments.)

Apple has repeatedly helped China control dissent, mostly by removing apps that protestors have used to coordinate, communicate, or gather information. (Quartz’s iOS app was removed by Apple, at China’s request, at the height of the 2019 protests in Hong Kong.) By hobbling the functionality of AirDrop in China, Apple is once again coming to the government’s aid.

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