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State Of Affairs

WWIII? Evidence Emerges That NATO Gearing Up For A Full-Scale War Against Russia

WWIII? Evidence Emerges That NATO Gearing Up For A Full-Scale War Against Russia

By The Stew Peters

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Military Committee chairman Admiral Rob Bauer of the Netherlands indicated that NATO is now prepared for direct war against Russia. The United States has been a massive benefactor to the cause of Ukraine, Russia’s enemy in the war. A civil war broke out officially in Ukraine in 2014 in the Donbas region as pro-Russia separatists have made it clear that they want to be freed from the control of the Ukrainian regime.

Admiral Rob Bauer said that “nations in NATO thought for decades that we were owning the timelines. We were the ones that decided to go to Afghanistan, to go to Iraq. It was a decision from NATO, from the NATO nations. And so we owned the timelines. We were saying, ‘when are we going? With how many troops? For how long? Et cetera. Now we are facing a threat, which is Russia, that is coming to us, uninvited, at a moment of their choosing. So we have to be much more ready, we have no time to prepare because it is up to them when, or, when they come.

“We are,” he said when asked if NATO is “ready for a direct confrontation with Russia.”

As NATIONAL FILE previously reported: Documents have dropped that support Russia’s claim that the United States government is funding biolabs in Ukraine to “create bioagents that can target certain ethnic groups.” In other words, the U.S. regime of Sleepy Joe Biden has been overseeing a bioweapons factory to carry out ethnic genocide. The newly dropped documents show agents of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) involved in the Ukraine biolabs. As we first reported at NATIONAL FILE, archived U.S. government records show that the United States Department of Defense has long been funding biolabs in Ukraine and elsewhere and Eastern Europe, and the Department of Defense has also used the Air Force and a base in San Antonio, Texas to study the human tissue and RNA material of Caucasian Russians. Now, the Ukraine government is reportedly destroying some of this biolab material as Russia supports the pro-Russia separatists in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine, which has been at war against Ukraine at least since 2014. The Russians stated that “The Pentagon is also interested in insect vectors of dangerous infections, the analysis of documents confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats – fleas & ticks – from the biological laboratory in Kharkov abroad.”

“The available documents confirm numerous cases of the transfer of biological samples of Ukrainian citizens abroad. With a high degree of probability, we can say that one of the tasks of the United States and its allies is the creation of bioagents that can selectively affect various ethnic groups of the population,” stated Russian military official Igor Kirillov.

The USDA and CDC have been involved in the U.S.-backed effort to have a bunch of biolabs in Ukraine and elsewhere, according to dropped documents.

Some Pentagon-funded labs in Ukraine have been geo-located according to citizen sourcing.

As NATIONAL FILE reported: The United States government admitted to the existence of U.S. Department of Defense-funded biolabs in Ukraine. The Russian government has made stirring allegations regarding the contents of U.S.-funded Ukrainian labs, suggesting that the labs are home to bioweapons research that could be used against enemies of the globalist Western regime. Meanwhile, the Department of Defense has used a base in San Antonio to study human tissue and RNA material exclusively from Caucasian Russians. U.S. State Department records show that in 2005 the U.S. Department of Defense made an agreement with Ukraine to fund biolabs to conduct research supposedly to stop the construction of bioweapons. The agreement states: “In order to assist Ukraine in preventing the proliferation of technology, pathogens, and expertise that are located at the Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene (Lviv), the Ukrainian Scientific Research Anti-Plague Institute (Odessa), the Central Sanitary Epidemiological Station (Kyiv), and other facilities in Ukraine identified by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and that could be used in the development of biological weapons, the U.S. Department of Defense shall provide assistance to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine at no cost, subject to the availability of funds appropriated for this purpose, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.”


On April 22, 2020, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine acknowledged that the U.S. Department of Defense “works with the Ukrainian Government to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern in Ukrainian government facilities, while allowing for peaceful research and vaccine development.” The U.S. Embassy stated: “The U.S. Embassy would like to set the record straight regarding disinformation spreading in some circles in Ukraine that mirrors Russian disinformation regarding the strong U.S.-Ukrainian partnership to reduce biological threats. Here in Ukraine, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program works with the Ukrainian Government to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern in Ukrainian government facilities, while allowing for peaceful research and vaccine development.  We also work with our Ukrainian partners to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats. Our joint efforts help to ensure that dangerous pathogens do not fall into the wrong hands.  We’re proud to partner with the Ministry of Health, State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, and the Ministry of Defense to make us all safer.”

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Damar Hamlin BLOCKS Stew Peters on Twitter After Peters Questions NFL, Media Narrative of Collapse

Damar Hamlin BLOCKS Stew Peters on Twitter After Peters Questions NFL, Media Narrative of Collapse


NFL player Damar Hamlin, who Died Suddenly on the field before reportedly being brought back to life, has blocked Stew Peters after he questioned the NFL, corporate media narrative around his collapse.

NFL player Damar Hamlin, whose on-the-field collapse mirrored those of other COVID “vaccinated” athletes whose hearts have suddenly stopped beating, has blocked nationally-syndicated TV news host Stew Peters on the Twitter platform after Peters dared to question the NFL’s narrative on the air.

“I used to think football players were tough,” Peters wrote in a tweet, attaching a screenshot that showed Damar Hamlin, or his handlers, had blocked Peters from viewing the “@HamlinIsland” Twitter account, an account he’d never before communicated with.

“I never tagged Damar Hamlin on Twitter,” Peters explained. “Still, someone with access to Damar’s Twitter account — maybe Damar, maybe someone else — blocked me.”

In a follow-up tweet, Peters added, “Damar — if that’s you, I hope you’re OK, and that whoever is in charge of your care, cares more about your health than they do your reputation.”

As mentioned above, Damar Hamlin’s blocking of Stew Peters came after a Stew Peters Show segment, in which Peters dared to question the bizarre saga of Damar Hamlin and the obvious work between the NFL, corporate media, Big Pharma, and big hospitals to spin the situation.

While giving no valid reason as to why Hamlin’s heart stopped after a routine football play, the NFL, which has been militantly pro-jab, enforcing mandates on its non-player employees and using coercion methods to goad players (95% of them) into accepting the jab, has hailed him as a hero for collapsing on national television. So has corporate media.

Bizarrely, and as Peters pointed out in his recent show segment, which included a “Weekend at Damar’s” graphic showing Anthony Fauci and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell quite literally propping Hamlin up, when Hamlin made a purported appearance at the recent Buffalo Bills playoff game he never showed his face and was quickly shuffled from place to place.

Despite his purported breathing problems and need for oxygen as a result of his on-the-field collapse, Hamlin was wearing a COVID mask and had no oxygen tank in sight. Raising serious questions as to exactly what’s going on.

Weekend at Damar's
“Weekend at Damar’s” – Stew Peters Show

As Peters told his audience during the “Weekend at Damar’s” segment:

“Everything about the Damar Hamlin story is about as bizarre as it can possibly be and nobody’s talking about it. It’s like it’s almost forbidden. It’s framed as ‘insensitive’ or ‘conspiratorial’ to have the balls to say what everyone else is already thinking. So we’re just gonna say it. Out loud.”


“All of the stakeholders are desperate to get past the last two years of mandates, and coercion, and bribes, and payoffs throughout the deployment of the bioweapon,” Peters said.

Stew Peters’ massively viral Died Suddenly film exposed the carnage of COVID jabs and their attacks on the hearts of young, physically healthy individuals, like the thousands of athletes who’ve collapsed on the field of play since the jab roll-out began and blew the lid off of the de-population and domination scheme at the heart of COVID-19.

Original source:


Brazil’s Sudden Abortion Extremism Is a Lesson for America

Brazil’s Sudden Abortion Extremism Is a Lesson for America


Brazil’s Sudden Abortion Extremism Is a Lesson for America

Brazil’s government is discussing new laws which would dramatically roll back protections for the unborn. Both moves break Lula’s promises to pro-life #Brazilians and threaten to make Brazil a haven for late-term abortion in Latin America.

For Lula, the move to abortion extremism represents a sudden shift after expressing pro-life sentiment during his campaign last year. “Not only am I against abortion, but all the women I’ve married are against abortion,” Lula said ahead of the second round of presidential elections last October. “And I think almost everybody is against abortion.”

Lula also published a personal letter to pro-life Catholics and #Evangelicals shortly before the #election, declaring that he would defend life.

Brazil’s new left-wing government under the presidency of Lula da Silva announced last week that the country would be withdrawing from the Geneva Consensus, an international anti-abortion declaration signed in 2020. At the same time, the government is discussing new laws which would dramatically roll back protections for the unborn. Both moves break Lula’s promises to pro-life Brazilians and threaten to make Brazil a haven for late-term abortion in Latin America.

Under the leadership of former President Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil adopted many pro-life policies and allied with other conservative world leaders like President Donald Trump to protect unborn life. As a signatory to the Geneva Consensus Declaration, Brazil affirmed that no international right to abortion exists and “in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning.”

But in January 2021, just days after taking office, U.S. President Joe Biden withdrew the United States from the declaration. Lula’s move to follow suit was seen by many as a first step to reverse Bolsonaro’s pro-life policies.

The Lula government has also revoked a Bolsonaro-era requirement that hospitals report abortion procedures to the police and is reportedly considering regulations that would effectively allow abortion up to the moment of birth while also releasing abortion providers from liability for complications resulting from dangerous late-term abortion procedures.

The two key figures leading the radical pro-abortion charge within the Lula government are Nísia Trindade, Lula’s Minister of Health, and Nésio Fernandes, the Secretary of Primary Health Care at the Ministry of Health. During the electoral campaign, Ms. Trindade promised to reverse Bolsonaro’s pro-life policies, which she said offend “sexual and reproductive rights.” Mr. Fernandes also pledged to repeal supposedly “retrograde” measures to protect unborn life.

Following the strategy of abortion proponents in the United States, Fernandes has also used extremely rare cases to justify a broad policy of allowing late-term elective abortions. He has proudly touted his role in “winning” an abortion for a 10-year-old who was raped by her uncle and became pregnant in San Catarina in 2020.

Given Fernandes’s background, it is perhaps unsurprising that he holds such abhorrent views on unborn life. Fernandes was a scholarship winner of the Communist Party of Cuba and graduated as a medical doctor from the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana. According to Brazilian senior political journalist Gabriel de Arruda Castro, Fernandes has also openly praised the Cuban dictatorship, repeating Che Guevara”s greetings: “Hasta La Victoria Siempre! (Ever onward to victory).”

Fernandes has also always seemed more focused on politics than medicine. As a physiotherapy student in 2004, a program he dropped out of, he ran an unsuccessful campaign for councilor in his hometown of Tubarão. In 2018, the voters again refused to elect him as state deputy for Tocantins. He was also the state president of the Communist Party of Brazil.

Communist governments have a long and sordid history of imposing radical abortion regimes on their populations. Despite Catholic solid influence in the country, late-term elective abortions up until the moment of birth are widely available in Cuba and are paid for by the government. In 1920, the Soviet Union became the first country in the world to legalize the practice. Communist China also has a shameful record of forced abortions, and today has one of the highest abortion rates in the world.

According to the Brazilian Association of Conservative Lawyers, the changes proposed by Trindade and Fernandes would likely make Brazil’s abortion laws the most liberal in the Southern Hemisphere. The organization also published the declaration denouncing Lula’s government and the decision to withdraw from the Geneva Consensus. “[We] stand for the uncompromising defense of life from conception, as Article 2 of the Brazilian Civil Code says, that safeguards the rights of the unborn child,” the lawyers asserted, calling upon the government to resume the fulfillment of “its constitutional mission to protecting life from conception.”

For Lula, the move to abortion extremism represents a sudden shift after expressing pro-life sentiment during his campaign last year. “Not only am I against abortion, but all the women I’ve married are against abortion,” Lula said ahead of the second round of presidential elections last October. “And I think almost everybody is against abortion.”

Lula also published a personal letter to pro-life Catholics and Evangelicals shortly before the election, declaring that he would defend life. “Our future government is committed to protecting life in all its phases,” the letter read. “For me, life is sacred, the work of the Creator’s hands. My commitment has always been and will always be with its protection.”

The letter was read aloud in São Paulo at an event with around 140 evangelical leaders representing 35 Protestant denominations. Hundreds of Catholic parishes distributed it along with a photo of Lula accompanying Pope Francis.

Many Catholics within Brazil have loudly protested Lula’s betrayal, with the Brazilian National Conference of Bishops saying that such a policy shift would have far-reaching and disastrous consequences, calling for “wisdom and balance.”

“Any attack against life is also an aggression against the Democratic State of Law and constitutes an attack on the dignity and social well-being of a human person,” the bishops emphasized.

Nonetheless, Lula and his communist-inspired lieutenants appear poised to ram through their radical changes. It is another important reminder for pro-life individuals in both the United States and around the world that progress in defending life is often only one election away from reversal, and defenders of the unborn must remain ever vigilant.



Global Issues

Australian National Review Founder, Who has Investigated the Vaccine Industry Fraud for the Last Decade, Sends a Clear Warning to All Healthcare Workers, That Have or Still are Administering the Deadly Covid Vaccines, or Remdesvir

Australian National Review Founder, Who has Investigated the Vaccine Industry Fraud for the Last Decade, Sends a Clear Warning to All Healthcare Workers, That Have or Still are Administering the Deadly Covid Vaccines, or Remdesvir

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

Australian National Review Founder, who has investigated the vaccine industry fraud for the last decade, sends a clear warning to all healthcare workers, that have or still are administering the deadly Covid vaccines, or Remdesvir, that they are likely to be pursued for both civil & criminal prosecution, & potentially face jail or lose their house. He offers them to become whistleblowers to help prevent prosecution and stop the murder by deadly, deliberate, medical malpractice.

Whistleblowers can WhatsApp or telegram or signal +61400205549 or email or visit or message Jamie on or Twitter jamiemcintyre21

Click Here To Play the Video

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COVID 19 deaths and injuries

BREAKING: Study Finds COVID Vaccines Have Killed 1 in Every 874 Americans

BREAKING: Study Finds COVID Vaccines Have Killed 1 in Every 874 Americans


A peer-reviewed study published on 24 January 2023 estimates 278,000 Americans died in 2021, alone, due to covid injections. 243 million Americans had received Covid injections by the end of Dec 2021.  So, the study’s estimate suggests that 1 out of 874 vaccinees is killed by the injections.

The study commissioned an online survey from a reputable polling company, Dynata.  According to the Centres for Disease Control, about 31% of the United States population had not completed the primary vaccination series as of November 2022.   So, the primary aim of the study was to identify the factors associated by American citizens with the decision to be vaccinated against covid.

A total of 2,840 participants completed the survey between 18 and 23 December 2021. 22% of respondents indicated that they knew at least one person who had experienced a severe health problem following covid vaccination.

“Estimates from the survey indicate that through the first year of the covid-19 vaccination program there may be as many as 278,000 vaccine-induced fatalities and up to a million severe adverse events,” the study noted.

As Igor Chudov highlighted, the estimates of the total number of vaccine fatalities cannot be very precise, and the study author points that out very honestly.

At the time of the study, the reported number of vaccine deaths in VAERS was 8,023.

Igor Chudov compared the results of this study with other sources:

  • A January 2023 Rasmussen survey showed that 28% of all adults know someone who died due to covid injections.  35% of adults under 40 believe someone they know personally might have died from vaccine side effects, compared to 28% of those 40-64 and just 14% of Americans 65 and older.
  • In mid-December 2021 Steve Kirsch estimated 388,000 Americans had been killed by covid injections
  • An analysis done by Fabian Spieker estimated 1 death for every 1,642 doses given in Germany.  Assuming that by the end of 2021, 1.8 doses per vaccinated person were given, as some had only one dose. This would yield, in the USA, 266,400 dead from covid injections.

That these three outcomes are not wildly different means that the true number of deaths – which nobody knows and nobody will ever know exactly – is somewhere within this ballpark.

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Sen. Johnson Calls For Congress to Investigate Vaccine Manufacturers and Covid Vax Approval Process in Response to Project Veritas’ Exposé on Pfizer

Sen. Johnson Calls For Congress to Investigate Vaccine Manufacturers and Covid Vax Approval Process in Response to Project Veritas’ Exposé on Pfizer

By Cristina Laila

Senator Ron Johnson on Thursday called for Congress to investigate vaccine manufacturers and the Covid vax approval process in response to Project Veritas’ explosive undercover video exposing Pfizer’s alleged plans to ‘mutate’ the Covid virus.

Pfizer is experimenting with dangerous gain-of-function on Covid-19, according to a director of research for the Pharma company.

“Federal health agencies have been captured by Big Pharma and grossly derelict in their duties throughout the pandemic.” Ron Johnson said.

“It’s time for Congress to thoroughly investigate vaccine manufacturers and the entire COVID vaccine approval process,” he said.

Project Veritas on Wednesday night released explosive video of Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations, admitting the pharma giant is exploring ‘mutating’ Covid-19 via ‘directed evolution’ so the company can continue to profit off of vaccines.

“One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we’re gonna do that though, there’s a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses,” Walker told the undercover Project Veritas journalist.

“Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them,” he said.


Stay tuned for another video exposing Pfizer to be released later today.

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The DOJ has Officially Opened up a Lawsuit Against Google to Break up Its Ad Technology Monopoly. Pelosi Sold $3 Million Dollars Worth of Google just Four Weeks Ago… Hawley Introduces PELOSI Act

The DOJ has Officially Opened up a Lawsuit Against Google to Break up Its Ad Technology Monopoly. Pelosi Sold $3 Million Dollars Worth of Google just Four Weeks Ago… Hawley Introduces PELOSI Act

‘Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley reintroduced a bill to ban members of Congress and their spouses from owning and trading stocks, and used the name of his legislation to troll former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The Preventing Elected Leaders from Owning Securities and Investments (PELOSI) Act would give members and their spouses six months after first assuming office to divest any holdings or put them in a blind trust – mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and Treasury bonds would still be allowed.

Any members found in violation of the bill would have to ‘return their profits to American taxpayers.’

Justice Department sues Google to break up its advertising empire

The U.S. Department of Justice and eight states filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google (GOOG, GOOGL) on Tuesday, seeking the breakup of the company’s online ad business.

This latest action comes more than two years after the agency and a group of state attorneys general joined in another suit alleging Google’s search and search advertising businesses violate U.S. antitrust laws.

The Justice Department’s alleges that Google’s suite of online advertising tools prevents competitors from entering the online advertising market and blocks publishers from monetizing their own content.

The department further claims that Google is illegally using, or trying to use, its monopoly power, and should be required to divest a host of entities that allow it to carry out the allegedly offending behavior.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks during the Google I/O 2019 keynote session at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California on May 7, 2019. (Photo by Josh Edelson / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks during the Google I/O 2019 keynote session at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California on May 7, 2019.

“Google’s anticompetitive behavior has raised barriers to entry to artificially high levels, forced key competitors to abandon the market for ad tech tools, dissuaded potential competitors from joining the market, and left Google’s few remaining competitors marginalized and unfairly disadvantaged,” the complaint states.

“Google has thwarted meaningful competition and deterred innovation in the digital advertising industry, taken supra-competitive profits for itself, and prevented the free market from functioning fairly to support the interests of the advertisers and publishers who make today’s powerful internet possible.”

The DOJ is specifically calling for Google to divest at least its Google Ad Manager suite, including both Google’s publisher ad server, DFP, and Google’s ad exchange, AdX.

Shares of Google parent Alphabet (GOOG, GOOGL) fell as much as 1.6% following the news.

Pennsylvania State University law professor John Lopatka said the stakes for Google increase with the Justice Department’s new lawsuit.

“The multiple actions expand the scope of the litigation for Google, and the greater scope somewhat increases its litigation burden,” Lopatka told Yahoo Finance. “Reaching negotiated settlements becomes harder as the number of plaintiff groups increases.”

Lopatka adds that a DOJ victory, as opposed to a victory by the states, would dramatically benefit private plaintiffs by establishing Google’s liability for anticompetitive conduct that injured them.

A victory by the states would indeed bolster the cases of private plaintiffs, but not nearly as much as would a DOJ victory, as private plaintiffs would need to show only damages to impose liability for Google’s anticompetitive conduct.

Yahoo Finance has reached out to Google for comment and will update this story when it receives a response.

Prior to the DOJ’s filing, Alphabet reportedly sought to quell the DOJ’s antitrust concerns by offering to split up its ad auction and ad placement businesses. That offer, according to The Wall Street Journal, was to maintain the would-be separate entities under the company’s larger, parent company, Alphabet.

Google has for years faced scrutiny from domestic and overseas lawmakers and regulators concerning its dominance across multiple online and mobile markets.

In the U.S, the firm has faced investigations by the DOJ, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, and state attorneys general over suspicions that the company’s search and digital advertising businesses operate as illegal monopolies.

In 2021, dozens of attorneys general sued the company, alleging that it was operating illegal monopolies in the market for Android app distribution by imposing technical barriers that prevent third parties from distributing apps outside the Play Store.

Over a decade ago, the company was fined roughly $10 billion (8.6 billion euros) by the European Commission, the European Union’s antitrust watchdog. Those fines resulted from three separate antitrust violations alleged by the Commission.

In 2017, the company was hit by the Commission for allegedly abusing its market dominance in search, and again in 2018 for allegedly abusing its market power in the mobile space by preloading its own apps on new Android phones. And in 2019, the company was again fined for limiting its rivals from working with companies that already had deals with Google’s AdSense platform.


Google’s digital advertising business has become an antitrust target due to its unrivaled size and volume. The company holds a commanding lead in the space and controls some of the most important links in the online advertising chain — centrally its DoubleClick platform, a premier tool for online publishers, helping them create, manage, and track online marketing campaigns.

Acquired in 2007, DoubleClick was cited by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as one of the major acquisitions Google should be forced to unwind to improve competition in the advertising space.

Google, and competitor Facebook (META), have also been lambasted for the impact their outsized share of the online advertising market has on the media industry. With Google competing directly with online publishers for digital ad space, publishers have been forced to significantly cut back newsroom staff, sell themselves off, or close down entirely.

In Feb. 2021, Australia passed legislation that forces Google and Facebook to negotiate payment deals with media companies for using their content. Previous attempts to force Google to pay for media it benefits from ended in failure. In 2014, Spain passed legislation that would force internet sites to pay for content it used from publishers including headline and news snippets.

But rather than comply, Google simply shut down its Spanish Google News site. Users could still find articles in Google’s search results, but couldn’t use the Google News platform to get news from Spain-based publications anywhere in the world.


Google is already defending itself against the DOJ’s lawsuit alleging illegal dominance in the online search industry. As of Dec. 2022, Google controlled more than 92% of the world’s search traffic market share, according to StatCounter. In its lawsuit filed in Oct. 2020, the Justice Department and state attorneys general allege the company is unlawfully maintaining monopolies through anticompetitive and exclusionary practices in the search and search advertising markets.

According to the Justice Department, Google’s exclusionary agreements, “collectively lock up the primary avenues through which users access search engines, and thus the internet, by requiring that Google be set as the preset default general search engine on billions of mobile devices and computers worldwide and, in many cases, prohibiting preinstallation of a competitor.”

Google CEO Sundar Pichai testifies before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law during a hearing on
Google CEO Sundar Pichai testifies before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law during a hearing on “Online Platforms and Market Power” in the Rayburn House office Building on Capitol Hill, in Washington, U.S., July 29, 2020. 

In 2013, the FTC declined to take action against Google after an agency investigation of its search business. The decision followed a $22.5 million fine imposed on the company the prior year to settle claims that it violated a privacy settlement with the FTC agreeing that it would avoid placing “cookies” on and serving targeted advertisements to users of Apple’s competing browser company Safari.


Accusations that Google favors its own products or reduces the visibility of competitors in its search results have also been circulating for years.

One of the company’s biggest critics is Yelp, which, along with TripAdvisor, has hit at the company for placing Google-sourced ads above algorithmically-defined search results in the Google search page.

In July 2020, The Wall Street Journal reported on its investigation into Google’s search algorithm, finding that the tech giant favored its own YouTube videos in search results over those from competing video streaming services.



Something Odd is Happening when you Google Search for “Pfizer Project Veritas”

Something Odd is Happening when you Google Search for “Pfizer Project Veritas”

By Investment Watch Blog

Original Source:

COVID 19 deaths and injuries

Stew Peters Calls Out NFL, Media for Damar Hamlin Death Jab Cover-Up

Stew Peters Calls Out NFL, Media for Damar Hamlin Death Jab Cover-Up

By Frankie Stockes

Stew Peters called out the NFL’s obvious cover-up of the Damar Hamlin situation, after the Buffalo Bills player died suddenly on the field of play, before being revived and used as a propaganda piece.

Stew Peters called out the bizarre media situation and conspiracy of silence surrounding NFL player Damar Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills defender who collapsed on national television in a January 2nd Monday Night Football game after the NFL spent the last two years coercing its players into accepting the lethal COVID jab.

“I think it’s time that we had a talk about the Damar Hamlin situation,” Peters, who’s led the charge in investigating COVID jab deaths and injuries, and whose Died Suddenly film showcased the sudden heart attacks and deadly collapses of countless “vaccinated” athletes and other healthy individuals, told his viewers.

“Everything about the Damar Hamlin story is about as bizarre as it can possibly be and nobody’s talking about it. It’s like it’s almost forbidden. It’s framed as ‘insensitive’ or ‘conspiratorial’ to have the balls to say what everyone else is already thinking. So we’re just gonna say it. Out loud,” Peters continued, calling out the NFL and corporate media’s cover-up of Damar Hamlin’s obvious COVID jab injury, and the cult-like following that the story has developed.

“All of the stakeholders are desperate to get past the last two years of mandates, and coercion, and bribes, and payoffs throughout the deployment of the bioweapon,” Peters said.

“And let’s be clear, the NFL was compensated massive amounts of money to push this shot on to its players and personnel and ultimately you, the fan.”

Peters went on in the segment to raise serious questions about the miraculous recovery of Damar Hamlin, which has been propagandized by the NFL and its media allies to a massive extent, comparing the narrative to a movie.

“It’s all just bizarre,” Peters said, adding that Hamlin is “being used for the NFL’s PR.”

“They need him to get better, and fast, like right away.”

“But maybe he’s not better. Maybe he’s actually deeply messed up. It would make sense considering he spent several minutes dead on a playing field less than a month ago.”

“We know that the bioweapon did this,” Peters said. “The NFL knows that the shot did this. The doctors know that the jab did this, and according to a Rasmussen poll, almost 50% of Americans now say that they know someone that they suspect died suddenly as a result of being injected with Pfizer’s heart attack shot of death.”

“If Damar Hamlin wasn’t vaccinated, and if doctors had been able to justify any other cause for Hamlin’s collapse on that field, they would have repeated it a thousand times over again.”

Watch the full segment below:


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State Of Affairs

Anyone who thinks this is about Paying Respect to Indigenous Australians and not about Stripping People Further of their Already Struggling Lifestyles is Delusional. This is Another Fake, Virtue-signalling Campaign by the Government that could Care Less about Indigenous People

Anyone who thinks this is about Paying Respect to Indigenous Australians and not about Stripping People Further of their Already Struggling Lifestyles is Delusional. This is Another Fake, Virtue-signalling Campaign by the Government that could Care Less about Indigenous People

Anyone who thinks this is about paying respect to Indigenous Australians and not about stripping people further of their already struggling lifestyles is delusional. This is another fake, virtue-signalling campaign by the government that could care less about Indigenous people. They never did, and they never will.

This is about globalists destroying patriotism. This is not about celebrating the differences that make this country great – it’s about destroying it.

Backlash over call to pay weekly rent to Indigenous Australians

Pauline Hanson has led the charge for the backlash against a call for homeowners to pay a “weekly rent” to Indigenous Australians.

A campaign calling for non-Indigenous Australian property owners to pay a “weekly rent” to traditional landowners has been met with staunch opposition, with One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson leading the charge against the move.

The scheme, Pay The Rent, would work as a voluntary weekly payment to a body led by Aboriginal elders and managed without interference from the government.

The program, which has been quietly operating in Victoria, encourages non-Indigenous people to pay a percentage of their income to Aboriginal people out of respect for their ancestral land claims.

“Decisions about the distribution of money paid into this fund will be made exclusively by a Sovereign Body, composed of Aboriginal people from a range of clans and nations,” the Pay The Rent website states.

“That is, the money always and only belongs to Aboriginal people.”

Feminist author Clementine Ford and Greens senator and activist Lidia Thorpe are among high-profile identities who have voiced their support for the scheme.

However, the suggestion has also been met with harsh backlash, with Senator Hanson going as far as pushing others to sign a petition to “Stop the Rent Tax”.

A statement shared by the One Nation leader reveals her party “strongly condemns” the proposal for non-Indigenous Australians to “pay a race based rent tax”.

“The rent tax scheme would see millions of Australians thrown further into poverty as their rents balloon or families pay more on top of their ever-increasing mortgages” the statement read.

Ms Hanson’s statement branded the scheme “deeply flawed and unjust” and a “form of discrimination”.

“One Nation believes this proposal is a distraction from the real issues facing Indigenous communities, such as poverty, unemployment, and crime,” the party notes.

“Instead of proposing a controversial and divisive race-based rent tax, One Nation calls for Australians to unite as one country and reject the left’s pro-apartheid madness.

“This scheme is the worst type of discrimination, and it is not a solution to the problem of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.”

At the time of publishing, the petition shared by Ms Hanson had received just over 400 signatures.

The movement has also been met with backlash online, with one person suggesting it was causing “madness and division” among Australians, while another branded it “extremely manipulative”.

Non Indigenous Australians have been encouraged to make voluntary payments as part of a financial reparation scheme.
Non Indigenous Australians have been encouraged to make voluntary payments as part of a financial reparation scheme.

“It is this kind of stuff that makes people want to vote NO on the voice referendum,” one social media user said.

Another added: “It’s one thing to ask for contributions to programs that will assist in reducing Indigenous disadvantage, it’s another thing entirely to tell people they owe rent for being on land they had no choice in being on.”

Others suggested that multimillion-dollar companies should be the ones “paying the rent”, not the average Australian.

“We talk about paying the rent, but why the average person? Isn’t that in itself a racist policy? Why not the rich companies and individuals who make an extremely comfortable living off the back off Indigenous land? Bigger profit, and they SHOULD be the ones paying the rent,” one person wrote.

‘Not enough’ to only Pay The Rent

Under the voluntary scheme, decisions about the distribution of the money being paid would be made by a “Sovereign Body” made up of Indigenous people from a range of clans and nations.

“That is, the money always and only belongs to Aboriginal people,” the Pay The Rent website states.

Money collected would be injected into Indigenous populations to support in their covering of costs related to housing, health and education, while reducing the need for government handouts.

The scheme has broadly been considered a promising alternative to government handouts injected into struggling communities.

Clementine Ford was quoted on the website saying Australians needed to “stop paying lip service to decolonisation and start paying the rent to the first nations people”.

Lidia Thorpe said the program means there would be “no strings attached to government agenda”.

“It assists sovereign grassroots fight the many campaigns and struggles we face everyday,” she said.

The website also states that it is “not enough” for non-Indigenous Australians to only Pay The Rent, noting treaty, advocacy and solidarity with actions to defend and support land justice is also needed.

Australia finally ‘mature enough’

Cara Peek, a Yawuru/Bunuba woman and lawyer who co-founded Cultural IQ, an organisation providing culturally appropriate training in Australian businesses, said Australia was ready to have conversations about financial reparation.

“People are often looking to find a way to support Indigenous communities and acknowledge the historical nature of our lived experiences as first peoples,” Ms Peek told

“A Pay the Rent scheme is also quite poignant in that owning property is a privilege in this country, and as much as people may struggle with mortgages, many people can’t even get a mortgage or bank loan. That is the case for many Indigenous Australians.”

While previous schemes had been trialled only to later lose momentum, Ms Peek said there now was a “valid argument for a mechanism for reparation”.

“It would be one piece of the puzzle, mind you, but it’s something that could really enable people that can afford to do it, to make a contribution towards first people’s advancement,” she said.

“This nation is mature enough now to have these conversations. They may be robust conversations but they need to be had.”

– with Brooke Rolfe


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