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Global Issues

Was Hitler Even Funded by the Rothschilds? – Quick View

The McIntyre Report:

Episode: 202

Was Hitler Even Funded by the Rothschilds? – Quick View


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Global Issues

Will The MAGA Movement Split: America First Vs. Unwavering Support For Israel, And Where Will Trump Stand? – Quick View

The McIntyre Report:

Episode: 202

Will The MAGA Movement Split: America First Vs. Unwavering Support For Israel, And Where Will Trump Stand? – Quick View


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Global Issues

Communism Was a Jewish Creation, As Was Slavery, Says Researcher. Stalin And Churchill Were Puppets of the Rothchilds – Quick View

The McIntyre Report:

Episode: 202

Communism Was a Jewish Creation, As Was Slavery, Says Researcher. Stalin And Churchill Were Puppets of the Rothchilds – Quick View


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Global Issues

Will Trump be Able to Put Israel in Their Place, or Do They Own Trump? – Quick View

The McIntyre Report:

Episode: 202

Will Trump be Able to Put Israel in Their Place, or Do They Own Trump? – Quick View


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Global Issues

Why Did Mossad Do the Bali Bombings, And Why Are They Behind Almost All Global Terrorism? – Quick View

The McIntyre Report:

Episode: 202

Why Did Mossad Do the Bali Bombings, And Why Are They Behind Almost All Global Terrorism? – Quick View


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Global Issues

Who Killed JFK and Why? – Quick View

The McIntyre Report:

Episode: 202

Who Killed JFK and Why? – Quick View


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Global Issues

Were 6 Million Jews Gassed by Hitler as We Have Been Told? If Not, Why Continue with Such an Offensive Lie? – Quick View

The McIntyre Report:

Episode: 202

Were 6 Million Jews Gassed by Hitler as We Have Been Told? If Not, Why Continue with Such an Offensive Lie? – Quick View


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Global Issues

Cold War II Russian Massive Offensive Across The Front Military Summary And Analysis 30.01.2025

Cold War II Russian Massive Offensive Across The Front Military Summary And Analysis 30.01.2025

By Military Summary

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 30th of January 2025.

Here’s what others had to say:

If Ziolensky surrenders, he’s dead. If Ziolensky doesn’t surrender, he’s dead.
I’m failing to see the downside.

Romanian president candidate, Calin Georgescu, favorite to win, declared that he wants to take parts of ukraine, north of romania, back into Romania.
He said that it is an historical opportunity for us !!!

European Union literally forgot Who saved them From Napoleon and Hitler !!!

The Russians have been on the offensive since Adivka

“To the people of the Dnepropetrovsk border areas..RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!”

Patrick Lancaster reporting on civilians ended in Kursk today It Is Heartbreaking

I don´t understand why Dima is still linking any action to the “negotiaton process”. There won´t be one. Not even talks between Trump and Putin have een offically announced, and even if negotiations occurred, they would end without agreement. The positions of the parties are irreconcilable.

Russia advances more under snow cover than under clear skies because FPV operators cannot attack under snow fall.

Sad news from usa: russian skaters and other nationals were on board jet which crashed following mid air collision with helicopter:
“The Kremlin has confirmed that Russian figure skaters, as well as other Russian nationals, were also on the plane. Spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed to reporters Thursday that Russian figure skaters Evgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov, who won the pairs title at the 1994 World Championships and competed at the Winter Olympics twice, were passengers.
‘Unfortunately, we see that this sad information is being confirmed. There were other fellow citizens there. Bad news today from Washington. We are sorry and send condolences to the families and friends who lost those of our fellow citizens who d i e d in the plane crash,’ Peskov said.” — brian farrell reporting

There is no glory to be had in dying for Western Interest conjured up by policymakers of Aspen and Rand Corporation.

According to Goebbels mouthpiece the BBC: All quiet on the Eastern Front

Several prominent figure skaters and coaches were reportedly on board the passenger plane which crashed into the Potomac River in Washington, DC following a mid-air collision with a military helicopter. The list of victims reportedly includes Russian world champions Yevgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov.

One can wonder whether the 100.000 UAF deserters took their weapons with them and now form a separate army behind the front line…

The video editor should take time so tat in the map where are the cities being fought. Most of the time is hard to follow progress. Are we going counterclockwise south in the northeast direction? Is Russia getting closer to take Zaporozhye? Or I missed it

Zelensky must be persuaded to end the coke lines for breakfast and rather focus on sending in the trans brigades. He could have won the war by now and be marching on Vladivostok, but his precious powder and trans women he wants to keep to himself. Disgustingly selfish.

A Russian man has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out a series of sabotage and terrorist acts on behalf of the Ukrainian intelligence services, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has said.
The suspect, who is in his mid-forties, performed arson attacks against military and civilian infrastructure in Russia between 2023 and 2024, the FSB said in a statement on Thursday.
His targets included a military tractor vehicle undergoing repairs, a railway relay cabinet, a cell phone tower, and a warehouse of a civilian firm manufacturing products for the Russian Defense Ministry, it added. – RT


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BREAKING: OFFICIAL Czech Record Level Data Shows Moderna Recipients had up to a 50% Higher Death Rate than Pfizer Recipients

BREAKING: OFFICIAL Czech Record Level Data Shows Moderna Recipients had up to a 50% Higher Death Rate than Pfizer Recipients


No doubt about it. We have the updated OFFICIAL Czech Republic data. This is insane. The authorities keep ignoring their own data and promoting these kill shots. Moderna refuses to comment.

Executive summary

This is an update to my recent article “Official Czech Republic record level data released Nov 2024 confirms Moderna has nearly 50% higher ACM than Pfizer” where I pointed out that the November 2024 official release of the Czech Republic data confirms Moderna causes significantly higher all-cause mortality (ACM) than Pfizer.

I’ve updated the extraction software to look 2 years out, and in greater detail, and also added 95% confidence intervals and comorbidity index.

The results are stunning:

  1. Moderna kills people more on a deaths per person basis than on a “% increase in mortality” basis. This is why those who are younger and have fewer comorbidities have a much higher % ACM increase.
  2. This isn’t age confounded. These are in 5 year age ranges where we measure this increase.
  3. The ACM differential between brands happens whether people die in high COVID months or low-COVID months so this isn’t differential efficacy.
  4. The effect doesn’t change if you pick people with the same comorbidity index (DCCI value). My spreadsheet allows you to examine this.
  5. This data confirms the findings of the Hungary study which found Moderna had an 18% higher all-cause mortality during non-COVID periods even though “Pfizer was preferred among older adults with chronic diseases” which is a direct quote from the paper.
  6. This was NOT caused by lower COVID efficacy for Moderna since the Hungary study showed Moderna had higher COVID protection than Pfizer.
  7. The results for all but the very youngest people (under 25) was large and statistically significant. For 65 year olds, the mortality increase (2 year Moderna relative to Pfizer) was 1.65 with a 95% CI of 1.5-1.8. This is a train wreck.

No country will investigate or take action of course. Not even the Czech Republic and it’s their data and their people who are being killed. Their government simply does not care. They would rather kill people than admit they were wrong. This is really disgusting. This data is available for anyone to download and analyze. You don’t have to take my word for it.

The code and analysis

The code and my analysis are all posted to my github.

The files to look at are (analyzes the data) and vax_24_summary_v3.xlsx which has the time series comparison between the brands. Download the 1.3G file from the source to ensure you have the official data (see the .py file for instructions).

The spreadsheet allows you to select a variety of filter conditions and computes the OR and 95% confidence intervals of whatever combo you choose.

Why brand comparison is the way to go

People who opt for vaccination tend to be wealthier, have better access to healthcare, have health-seeking behaviors, etc. This is why when you look at the spreadsheet for those who got the “PLACEBO” you’ll find they die at a higher rate than the vaccinated.

But vaccine brands were QUASI-RANDOMLY distributed in the Czech Republic. People didn’t get to choose. They got what was available. There was no systemic or systematic bias in the distribution.

So comparing brands, especially when one brand is more dangerous than another, is the best way to assess safety.

Even if Pfizer was perfectly safe and killed no one, a 50% increase in mortality for Moderna can only be caused by one thing: a vaccine that increases your risk of death.

If you are 65, here are the numbers

Moderna increased your all-cause mortality over 2 years by over 52% compared to Pfizer and as much as 80% higher mortality.

Why would ANYONE take this vaccine?

Pfizer isn’t talking about this

Pfizer is silent about this.

Normally, if your competitor had a 50% higher mortality rate, you’d be letting people know.

So why is Pfizer silent? Why isn’t Pfizer calling for public disclosure of the public health info?

Because they know it would subject them to scrutiny as well.

After all, if NONE of the world’s health authorities had ANY CLUE whatsoever that Moderna was so deadly, then isn’t it POSSIBLE that they MIGHT have missed a huge safety signal on Pfizer as well? Maybe????

Was there any benefit?

Let’s compare Israel and Palestine COVID deaths since they tracked each other before, during, and after vaccination. Clearly, from the chart below, Palestine had the higher COVID vaccination rate, right? 😉

According to my bluepilled friend (ChatGPT), the vaccination rate was 60X lower in Palestine than Israel, yet Palestine had lower COVID deaths (and people in Palestine work in Israel so it’s not like they are isolated).


I find it astonishing that the Czech Republic health authorities aren’t raising an eyebrow on their own data. There is no doubt about what it shows. They are simply going to let people die than admit they were at fault for not looking at their own data? And they will hide rather than provide explanations or answer any questions.

Similarly, no epidemiologist in the world will touch this data. It’s a third rail for an epidemiologist: if you look at this data, you’ll lose your job. This is why there are no studies published in the literature on this even though it’s the first time in human history we’ve had vaccination data like this publicly available for any researcher.

Even UPenn Professor Jeffrey Morris who claims to be a truth seeker isn’t touching this data; it proves he’s wrong. No place to hide. No way to dismiss a signal this big and consistent.

If more countries followed the lead of the Czech Republic and exposed the data, we’d have better data transparency and save lives.

Sadly, there isn’t a single epidemiologist in the world that I’m aware of calling for data transparency of record level data just like the Czech Republic has released (and without anyone complaining this disclosure has violated their privacy). They all think the public (and themselves) are better off if this information is kept secret.

RFK Jr. would change that. He’d force Moderna to have to explain how this data shows their vaccine is safe. The current people working at FDA would NEVER do that. Not in a million years.

Not a single FDA employee will call for an investigation.

That’s why there are so many people opposing RFK’s nomination. They don’t want you to learn the truth. The FDA is protecting the drug companies, not American lives.


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State Of Affairs

Authorities Want to Meet Jenkins in Person to Prove He Is Alive

Authorities Want to Meet Jenkins in Person to Prove He Is Alive

By The Australian

Simeon Boikov, The Self-styled Aussie Cossack, Said he was “Very Pleased” Mr Jenkins was Alive and that it “Opens up Hope for an Exchange”

Mr Boikov, who has been holed up in the Russian consulate for 800 days, said the Russian side was committed to him after he was granted Russian citizenship eight months into his consulate stay by presidential decree.

A prisoner swap just required “good will” from both sides, he said.

“I think what we need is a political appetite and I think that is present. From the Russian side, I don’t think there are any problems. If the Australian government … would say hypothetically ‘yes, we are not opposed for Aussie Cossack to leave the country’,” Boikov said.

“It would be good for Albo and the establishment because I won’t be here for the election,” he said, adding that there was continuous speculation that he was involved in foreign interference – which he denies “of course”.

He said his chances are good because “Oscar Jenkins is a niche market”.

“Russia has thousands of prisoners … There will be plenty of other exchanges, but as a political prisoner here, Oscar Jenkins is very niche.”


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