Excess Deaths in Young Adults
By Dr. John Campbell
Mortality Trends Among Early Adults in the United States, 1999-2023
US population groups, ages 25-44 years, 1999 – 2023
All cause mortality
Other natural causes of death
Alcohol related
Endocrine, nutrition, metabolic
Mutually exclusive underlying cause-of-death categories were adapted from prior work
Used baseline of 1999 to 2010,
to project expected mortality trends for 2011 to 2023.
We analyzed 3, 392, 364 deaths among the full US population aged 25-44 years from 1999 to 2023.
In 2021, all-cause excess mortality was nearly 3 times what it had been in 2019
(116.2 vs 41.7 deaths per 100 000 population).
In 2023, excess mortality decreased to79.1 deaths per 100 000 population.
Early adult mortality was 70.0% higher in 2023 than it would have been had pre-2011 trends continued,
reflecting 71, 124 excess deaths.
Although mortality rates decreased after the core pandemic years, excess mortality remained higher than expected based on prepandemic levels.
Increases in early adult mortality can signal population risks that may become more pronounced as these cohorts age.
These results suggest the possibility of a worsening mortality crisis unless these trends are reversed.
The 2 distinct phases of increasing mortality (before and after 2020) may also suggest the need to attend to ongoing consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, causes of death related to long-term consequences of infection, medical disruption, and social dislocation—and to deleterious health trends that predated it.
Here’s what others had to say:
They should study decreases in cognitive function and aggression, I swear people are now slower and more hostile than pre pandemic levels.
What’s truly crazy is, once you read The Silent War on Health by Alex Carter you will realize how blinded you were when it comes to health. That book has some serious knowledge
They don’t know what exactly is causing these excess deaths, but they know for certain what isn’t to blame. A gigantic elephant is stomping around the room.
At 38 years old I should not have multiple friends with cancer.
I’m 38. After I got the second Pfizer dose, I had an immediate drop in my athletic capabilities. I do martial arts and run regularly. Since the vaccine, my resting heart rate has been higher and my max heart rate has been much lower. Before the vaccine, I would regularly hit over 190 bpm. Since the vaccine, I struggle to get my heart rate up to 180. I get tired faster, and despite working out for 40-120 minutes 4-6 times a week (tracked with a fitness tracker), I can’t seem to lose weight the same as before, even with healthy eating and moderating calories.
The vaccine did something to me. Not 100% sure what, but the vaccine did something. I have been slowly seeing some progress after daily taking Nattokinase, Bromelain and Fish oil. I won’t trust the pharmaceutical companies ever again.
I have never in my 70 years known of so many people dying suddenly.
When I was at school, the whole school were called to a special assembly because a girl of 13 at our school had died of a heart condition. The whole school mourned because such a thing was so rare. Now they try to tell us we’ve always had these sudden deaths of young people.
I have lost so many friends over the last 4 years. Every one of them vaccinated.
Our daughter, 24 years old, died 20th March 2023, from a sudden heart failure. They said it was an undiagnosed heart condition. She had been fine, healthy, all her life. She had been vaccinated with two Pfizer, and then a booster. All required for work. She sold jewellery at Fred Meyers supermarket. We were so proud of her, that she worked throughout the pandemic. That she was an ‘essential worker,’ moving to stacking shelves with food, when they closed the jewellery store. She was up for a promotion to assistant manager, had just got a new apartment, and bought herself a new (second hand) car. An X3. She was a good girl, had worked hard since she left school. Never travelled, never been on holidays abroad. We died that day too. We take it day by day. She had never married, never had children. Our future was stolen that day. This was Washington State, in the US. I will never forgive the pharmaceuticals. We were all told it was safe and effective. I know of so many others that died suddenly, unexpectedly, from heart issues, strokes, and turbo cancers. Yes, we are now awake. Too late for us. May karma catch up with those that orchestrated this global horror.
The fact that this, the greatest medical atrocity in history, which is still on-going, is being ignored, and no one will ever be held accountable, makes one despair for this world.
I am a medical oncology fellow working in the Arab gulf region.
I started my training on January 2023, the month that registered the highest number ever of new cases of cancers in the hospital
It is very clear to me that the number of cases are increasing, but no body is caring about the reason for that
The best part of being a “conspiracy theorist” is not suddenly developing myocaditis, T-cell exhaustion, turbo cancer, Bell’s palsy, lupis, POTS, autoimmune conditions, transverse myelitis, amyloidosis, chronic vertigo, Guillain-Barré syndrome, tinnitus, paralysis, sharp decrease in platelet levels, increased risk of mental disorders, thrombosis from strange long blood clots that look like white vien worms, vien spiders or grape jelly. On top of that contracting covid repeatedly with every single symptom increased. Metastasized Cancer. Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Lung and Skin all increasing and Turbo cancers. And S . A . D.
Even chain smoking, binge drinking and heavy drug addiction combined would take much longer to do much less damage to a healthy human body. The year elementary school children needed a pediatrician as well as a cardiologist and healthy athletes started collapsing on the field was the year the media should have been asking questions.
Talking to an elderly man today. He showed me a photo of a young woman on his phone. Thats my granddaughter he said. I said she is beautiful. He said it was her funeral last week, she was 38. Was with her Christmas day and they found her dead on boxing day ( day after). Heart attack. No previous illness just another sudden death.
I’m 53, took no shots and never wore a mask ‘properly’, never avoided any social interaction. Got sick (covid?) for 3 days in Jan 2021 and felt sluggish for a week and haven’t been sick for 4 years since. I know so many people who took no shots who are living their best lives, while people who did are sick all the time.
Melbourne Australia, I refused the jab, treated worse than filth. Lost my secure decent government job, a role I enjoyed.
In Victoria companies were going to be fined $13,000 a day for employing un jabbed. Even working as self employed outside your home was $50,000 a day. Not many realise the hefty penalties. At the time there was no end in sight, so we moved state. Basically a refugee in my own country.
Life is tough we are getting by.
Ultimately we were not forced, even in Australia yes severally coerced but not forced. You could say no. Not enough did. The NHS in the uk folded to the nurses refusal. kudos to the people refused.
I have been amazed by the number of lung cancer, stage 4, that have been popping up in my feed. I’ve been seeing people saying “farewell” to people who have tracked their illness stories. It’s alarming, but the past 5 years have been taught me not to e too surprised that the rich & elites don’t care about people. We get our support & knowledge from we common folk. Thank you Dr Campbell for your ever faithful presentation of truth. I ask that God blesses you.
Considering how many people died during 2020-2023 and that they were removed from the equation, one would be entitled to think that post-pandemic the proportion of deaths should have dropped to below the baseline for at least 3-5 years, and then one could accept a rise back to the baseline after that. If any statistician cannot see that, then they are lacking in curiosity or consideration.
Never in my life heard of so many young people dying of heart attacks and similar conditions. It’s really heartbreaking. What they did is truly unforgivable and they should be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity. I can only hope more people have opened up their eyes.
They don’t even realize what’s killing them. Worst of all, nobody is allowed to say the underlying reason out loud, let alone have a serious discussion about it.
Original source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHpvhZFvUl4