Aussie Children As Young As Six Months Old Will Be Given C0VID Jabs in Weeks
Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre
ANR Founder says, “any parent reckless and careless enough, naïve and gullible, to have their babies, or children, Covid injected, should be aware, that apart from risking their lives and health, that we raise money continually for legal slush fund’s, that will pursue parents for crimes against humanity, to make an example of them.”
He went on to say
“Just don’t do it, or suffer the consequences of murdering your child, and also risk losing your house.
Your child has zero scientific risk of dying of Covid, but a very high risk of not surviving injury free from a deadly Covid vaccine. Listen to dodgy pro vaxx drug spruikers who profit from getting your baby jabbed, and you’ll live to regret it. Just think for a moment how you will feel when you discover too late that you were lied to by your Government & MSM that is paid to sell these deadly drugs”