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Darlene Blackwell: 61-year-old South Carolina Woman Has Brain Aneurysm, Dead 10 Days After Johnson and Johnson Shot

Darlene Blackwell: 61-year-old South Carolina Woman Has Brain Aneurysm, Dead 10 Days After Johnson and Johnson Shot

By The COVID Blog

Ms. Darlene Woodward Blackwell

CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA — Allyson Hendrix didn’t just lose her mother, Darlene Blackwell. She said she lost everything.

Ms. Darlene Blackwell received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on March 30, according to a Fox 46 report in Charlotte. The story does not provide details as to where the shot was administered, nor of Ms. Blackwell’s residency. But she grew up in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. Ms. Blackwell was employed in Pageland, a small town of 2,700 residents. Pageland is about four miles south of the North Carolina border on U.S. Highway 601. Walgreens and CVS are the major distributors of the experimental COVID-19 shots in Chesterfield County.

Everything was fine for about 24 hours. Then Ms. Blackwell went shopping with her mother on April 1. She felt sick and went to the bathroom when they got home. Ms. Blackwell was in the bathroom for an unusually long amount of time. Her mother called for her through the door, but got no response. They pried open the door with a screwdriver, according to Allyson. Her mother was found unresponsive on the floor.

Ms. Blackwell was immediately rushed to a local hospital. A CT scan showed severe bleeding in her brain caused by a ruptured aneurysm. Doctors originally thought it may have been two ruptured aneurysms due to the amount of blood spilled on her brain. Ms. Blackwell stayed alive for a few days on a life support machine. But Allyson and the family faced the heartbreaking reality. Ms. Blackwell died on April 9.

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