Deaths of Suspected 30,000 mRNA Vaxx Victims Will Not be Investigated by a Senate Inquiry
By Cairns News
A motion put to the senate by Senator Ralph Babet on May 24 to establish an inquiry to investigate an excess, non-covid related death rate of 17 per cent, or some 30,000 suspected vaccination victims in the Australian population was defeated by one vote.
Senator Malcolm Roberts has hit out at the rejection of the inquiry motion accusing the Labor and Greens parties of being “Big Pharma whores.”
Voting in support of the inquiry Senator Roberts said: “The evidence is quite clear that the excess death rate is around 17 per cent—unexplained!
“No-one in the health sector will explain it. No-one in the health bureaucracy will explain it. It is uncaring to let this go. It is a cover-up. There’s been gross mismanagement with COVID.
“It has never been about health; it has been about using deceit to ensure wealth transfer and control over people. The Labor government has been belted by the crossbench this morning for the lack of transparency and the lack of integrity.
“Show some guts. Show some integrity. Show some transparency.”
From Hansard:

The Noes who refused to act on behalf of the 30,000 dead and more than 200,000 recorded injuries from Covid mRNA vaxx are a national disgrace.
While most people would not support former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating or his skewed policies his comments about the “unrepresentative swill” of the senate ring true with this mob.
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