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Karen Hudson-Samuels: Former Detroit Television News Director Dead 24 Hours After mRNA Shot

Karen Hudson-Samuels: Former Detroit Television News Director Dead 24 Hours After mRNA Shot

By The COVID Blog

Mrs. Karen Hudson-Samuels

DETROIT — An iconic Detroit media icon is dead one day after receiving the experimental mRNA shots that are encouraged by media and government.

Mrs. Karen Hudson-Samuels was found dead in her home on February 9. It is unclear if the 68-year-old received the Pfizer or Moderna shot. Mainstream media outlet CBS 62 in Detroit said the cause of death “is still unknown.”

Hudson-Samuels’ career spanned four decades. It started at WGPR-TV in Detroit, the first black-owned television station in the United States. She was the news director at the station for many years. WGPR was on the air from 1975 to 1995. Hudson-Samuels’ last interview was on NBC Local 4 in Detroit on February 8. She died the next day.

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