Mainstream Media Will Use C0VID Vaxxine Deaths Like This Poor Lady To Spread Deadly and False and Deliberate False Misinformation That They Died of C0VID, When They Have Had 2 or More Vaxxines, So How Could They Die of C0VID
By Staff Reporter
Mainstream Media will use Covid vaccine deaths like this poor lady to spread deadly and false and deliberate false misinformation that they died of Covid, when they have had 2 or more vaccines, so how could they die of Covid as they were told it would protect them – they are dead for one reason – they were lied to and basically forced to take deadly experimental vaccines
These Covid vaccines killed and injure more people in their first 3 months than the entire vaccine industry has since the 1960’s when mass vaccination started
After a year they are on track to become the most deadly drug (as they aren’t normal vaccines) in human history
Doctors in the Us estimate, 62.3 million expected cardiovascular deaths from the vaccines this year alone
See the Guardians shocking article, using this poor dear ladies Covid vaccine death, to twist and boost Vaccine sales
Email the Editor and ask how much is the Guardian receiving to push the vaccines and why haven’t you disclosed it.
And if you don’t we’ll join a class action to sue you.