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Ms. Naomi Pierre-Dubuisson: 48-Year-Old Florida Event Planner Dead Days After First mRNA Injection

Ms. Naomi Pierre-Dubuisson: 48-Year-Old Florida Event Planner Dead Days After First mRNA Injection

Ms. Naomi Pierre-Dubuisson

MIAMI – A 48-year-old business owner and mother is dead in what appears to be a very rapid decline in health following a voluntary jab.

Ms. Naomi Pierre-Dubuisson received her first mRNA injection on Thursday, August 19, according to her Instagram page. It’s unclear whether it was Pfizer or Moderna; but it’s very clear that it doesn’t matter at this point. She was scheduled to received her second injection on September 9, 2021. Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson captioned the photo of her vaxx card with “Go and get tested & vaccinated people.”

The very next day, Friday August 20, Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson posted an update saying her phone is shut off because she’s too sick. “I feel like shit!!! I been throwing up, body ache, chills & lite (sic) fever…Need This Time To Rest,” she wrote. Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson also said she’d return all calls and texts the following Monday. Several of her friends and family on Instagram dismissed her condition as normal post-injection malaise, encouraging her to drink fluids, rest and take Tylenol.

We cannot locate an obituary. But there’s been no further activity on either her Facebook or Instagram accounts since August 28. Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson appears to have died between August 24 and August 28. Thus she died 5 to 9 days after the mRNA injection.

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