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Natalia Johnson: 37-year-old Professional Ballerina Dead Two Weeks After Experimental COV-19 Shot

Natalia Johnson: 37-year-old Professional Ballerina Dead Two Weeks After Experimental COV-19 Shot

By The COVID Blog

Ms. NaTalia Johnson

SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA — A 37-year-old world-renowned ballerina is dead and experimental COVID-19 shots are again coincidentally part of the equation.

Ms. NaTalia Johnson received one of the experimental shots on April 24, according to her Facebook page. We could not confirm which shot she received. But really at this point, it doesn’t matter as all of them are equally lethal.

Ms. Johnson returned home from work at Leataata Floyd Elementary School at around 9:30 p.m., according to her sister Candida Johnson, aka Kandice Kelly. NaTalia told Kandice that she did not feel good and needed to see a doctor. But NaTalia said she’d rather go in the morning.

The two sisters were watching a movie together when NaTalia said, “I’m really tired.” Suddenly NaTalia sat up “with a shocked look on her face” and reached her arms out to her sister. Kandice laid NaTalia on the floor and began CPR when her sister stopped breathing. Paramedics arrived and took over. But it was too late. NaTalia Johnson, known as “Ms. Natalia” to her students, passed away minutes later.

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