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Olivia Kingree: 75-year-old Wisconsin Woman Dies of Cov Two Months After Second Moderna Shot

Olivia Kingree: 75-year-old Wisconsin woman Dies of Cov Two Months After Second Moderna Shot

By The COVID Blog

Ms. Olivia Kingree

MADISON, WISCONSIN — A 75-year-old Madison woman is dead while her physician son still touts the effectiveness of experimental mRNA and viral vector shots.

Ms. Olivia Kingree received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on February 10, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. She received the second dose on March 10. Ms. Kingree was living at the Oak Park Place senior living facility on the east side of Madison.

She developed a fever on April 27, and was taken to the emergency room. The newspaper reported that Ms. Kingree tested positive for COVID-19 that day. She was treated at two different hospitals before being placed in hospice care. Ms. Kingree died on Sunday, May 16.

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