Truth Talks are apart of the TruthGroup which also owns the fast growing censor social media platform,

Remdesvir Murders – I had an Interesting Interview with a Scientist that Reversed Engineered Remdesvir, The Murdering Drug that Was Used to Invent Bs19 Deaths and Large Profits, that Gates and Fauci Brought Fraudulently Back to Life After it Was a Banned Ebola Drug for Killing 54% of Trial Patients

Remdesivir Murders – I had an Interesting Interview with a Scientist that Reversed Engineered Remdesivir, The Murdering Drug that Was Used to Invent Bs19 Deaths and Large Profits, that Gates and Fauci Brought Fraudulently Back to Life After it Was Banned Ebola Drug for Killing 54% of Trial Patients

Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre

Remdesivir Murders – I had an interesting interview with a Scientist that reversed engineered Remdesivir, the murdering drug that was used to invent Bs19 deaths and large profits, that Gates and Fauci brought fraudulently back to life after it was a banned Ebola drug for killing 54% of trial patients. This deadly drug was designed to achieve nothing else than rapid death in humans – yet it’s being pushed even now in Western, including Australian hospitals to murder your loved ones after they falsely test them for Bs19- it’s known as the “end of life is near” Remdesivir for a reason. We also go into a range of topics covering WW2 – R family verse Hitler and how the pattern is being repeated – The Globalist “Voice” Agenda in Australia and Trump verse Robert Kennedy Jr and Elon Musk on our side.

#diesuddenly #remdesvir #Australia #voicevote

Australian National Review

Here’s what others had to say:

Not So Grubbie
Jamie, don’t forget about the EU use of Midazolam during the early part of 2020-2021 for those of elder age…

Joshua Pellicer
This is fact. People aren’t coming over each other to lynch these criminals because it’s too jagged a pill to swallow for even the toughest of minds.
Mark my words when I say that this is THE domino to tip over.

They’re still giving Remdesivir to patients at The Alfred in Melbourne.

Are they being paid a financial incentive?

Still offering remdesvir at Toowoomba Qld.

It’s called Whendeathisnear.

Mystik 9
Gilead Sciences had developed Remdesivir. They sold all right rights to it to a Chinese Company. Chinese company was owned by Soros’ foundation, Clinton foundation and Bill& Melinda gates foundation.


Original source:–dlyqgjw

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