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USA Jab Injury – Luke, From California, USA

USA Jab Injury – Luke, From California, USA

By Jab Injuries Global

Luke, California, USA

This is my third trip to the emergency room from an adverse reaction to the vaccine. It’s been six months dealing with myocarditis/pericarditis. All of the traditional cardiology therapies have been failing and the sack that holds my heart keeps getting thicker, making it more challenging for my heart to function.

Over the past six months without insurance, I’d owe over one hundred thousand dollars in medical. I’ve exhausted my short term disability, so I’m now relying on the state to help pay the bills. With the talk of the vaccine, it gets me pretty livid that the government is going to strip you of the ability to provide for yourself if you don’t get this shit. Then, if you have a reaction, you’re on your own. Tough shit. It’s an absolute joke. It’s all about control.

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