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Australian National Review Founder Says,”After No One Taking up His Dozen Million Dollars Bets, That COVID Is a Complete and Utter Fraud”

Australian National Review Founder Says,” After No One Taking up His Dozen Million Dollars Bets, That COVID Is a Complete and Utter Fraud”

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

Australian National Review Founder says “After no one taking up his dozen million dollars bets, that Covid is a complete and utter fraud, he has come up with a $10,000 bet to hopefully find someone that can prove Covid has been independently isolated. Plus is responsible for the 5 million plus deaths claimed, and hundreds of millions of so-called cases. He will pay $10,000 for proof of just 1 person, not 5 million, with an independent autopsy, having died solely of Covid, that wasn’t put on a ventilator or given remedesvir or deadly drug and wasn’t denied proven treatments such as Ivermectin.”

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