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BRICS JUST ANNOUNCED Explosive New Members Set To Join | Plans To CRUSH The Dollar

BRICS JUST ANNOUNCED Explosive New Members Set To Join | Plans To CRUSH The Dollar

By Tech Revolution

Here’s what others had to say:

Whoever wants to join BRICS countries should get automatically acceptance and thanks to five countries who founded the organisation ( Russia Brazil China India and South Africa) congratulations to all of you.
New idea, new order based on respect and fairness non interference no war or no sanctions and no bullying all these rubbish leave behind. The emergence of new order and ideas hopefully we gonna see more equitable and peaceful world.

That is great. Ethiopia is one of the oldest nations and civilizations in the entire planet, for those who are not aware of it.

BRICS mission : “…building a peaceful, harmonious world with common prosperity that serves the interests of all the people and nations that belong to it”

I think it more about less war and more focus on the best environment of a country through modernization.

The most exciting thing that could happen in Ethiopia is to produce enough food to feed its populations and not just push the poor into camps to be fed by the UN.

The BRICS + countries cannot act like two timer Emmanuel Macron. He supports Ukraine and also wants to be invited to BRICS summit.

This could open up a lot of markets all over the world and leave the USA in their large hole of debt.

The world is sick of exclusive club like G7 and war mongers like NATO. The world would like to have organizations like BRIC, an orgnization that promote economic development and cooperation.

Glory to GD.almighty!
Blessings…….to this organization…..that will help nations………not steal from nations!
May GD.bless this organization.

Yes, Brics+ should grow more and more for economic development & cooperation multipolar World

“Imagine all the people livin’ life in peace
… You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will be as one” John Lennon.

YES I totally agree with this big magnificent change I wish that my country Jamaica must take this approach to apply for a fast membership to change our country poor economic status that the US put us in.

Yessssss!!! BRICS go go go!!! Wishing you more success and prosperity!!! from Philippines.

It’s about time all country’s willing to join Brics to focus on the country needs and well being working together to accomplish their agender for peace, health, happiness and propersity for future of our children…


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