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Cold War II Putin And Trump Pokrovsk’s Logistics Are Collapsing Military Summary For 2025.01.20

Cold War II Putin And Trump Pokrovsk’s Logistics Are Collapsing Military Summary For 2025.01.20

By Military Summary

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 20th of January 2025.

Here’s what others had to say:

Ukraine should have accepted the Istanbul peace agreement, but who told them not to???

Old russian proverb : if you decide to dance With a bear , it’s Always the bear to tell when the dance Is over

Russia is indispensable!
The world needs Russia for sanity, balance of power and keeping the depraved & belligerent West in check.

“If we aren’t careful, it will turn into Trump’s Vietnam. That’s what happened to Richard Nixon. He ended up owning the war and it went down as his war, not Lyndon Johnson’s,” Bannon, who is no longer a key figure in the Trump team, said. He argued that unless Trump clearly commits to stopping military aid to Ukraine, the conflict could overshadow his presidency. – RT

Trump didn’t mention Ukraine in his inauguration speech. NAFO is sad right now.

Audit all the money that went to Ukraine.

Trump didn’t mention Ukraine in his inauguration speech. NAFO is sad right now.

‘Enski CANNOT start negotiations. ‘Enski has prohibited negotiations with Russia … the U-Krane constitution needs to change … however ‘Enski is not legitimate… therefore elections must be called first

But Kursk is definetely not a chip bargain that Ukrainians expected to be

I don’t think any other country on Earth would have handled the world’s #1 economic and military power sending mountains of equipment to their border as calmly as Russia has. Too calm if you ask me, but maybe their means aren’t as great as advertised. Of course that is a dangerous line of thinking that could lead to retaliation. This doesn’t seem to compute in the vacuous heads of our leaders.

Trump should force Ukraine to have presidential elections before any negotiations can be considered legitimate

Russia is using a old ww2 Soviet army tactic of attacking logistics hubs and forming (cauldrons). There is a reason Sun-Tzu book is still relevant today. General Omar Bradley said this during WW2.
“Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics”
Where is Ukraine’s SAM’s/155mm/other supplies?
SMDH this could have all been avoided. Thanks DIMA!

Pre-Presidential Trump: I’ll end the Ukraine war on day one of my 2nd term.
Trump as President: Ukraine?! I’ve bigger fish to fry, bro..

It’s funny that the constant text after the heroic Ukrainian videos is that “based on the video, the map has been corrected in favor of the Russians” – because it proves that the front line is already there..

Remember: America first,…who gives excrement about war in Eastern hemisphere.
It is not in Mexico or Canada.

Western leaders continue to play checkers in a game of chess against the top grandmasters in the world.

Russian Soldier Single-Handedly Took An Entire Ukrainian Army Unit Prisoner┃RUSSIA Captured KOTLINO
A few minutes ago, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation updated the data on the Ukrainian Army’s casualty figures in the Kursk region. At the same time, the Russian military department notes that despite the catastrophic losses of the Ukrainian Army in manpower and equipment, the Ukrainian High Military Command continues to transfer reserves to the area of the settlement of ‘Sudzha’ to slow down the advance of Russian troops. – BORZZIKMAN

Obviously the first three minutes is going to be Putin congratulating Trump, and both of them agreeing to discuss various matters later, obviously. And obviously Dima is going to employ a mountain of words, spoken very quickly and repetitively, for three minutes, to state that simple and obvious fact, obviously. And then comes the news, with more “directions” than you ever thought possible.


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