Have the Globalists Pre-planned Their Media Coverage of the Hamas Attack, to Show Them as Barbaric, for Deadly Propaganda, to Ensure Public Support for a Pre-planned Israel Invasion of the Gaza Strip and Mass Genocide?
Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre
Have the Globalists pre-planned their media coverage of the Hamas attack, to show them as barbaric, for deadly propaganda, to ensure public support for a pre-planned Israel invasion of the Gaza Strip and mass genocide?
They lie about everything, so it’s always clear whatever the MSM is saying is likely not the truth
Both sides have committed atrocities, but are we seeing mass propaganda for pre-mediated purposes to deceive?
To classify all Palestinians as barbaric people, it’s okay to mass genocide them by razing Gaza like some US Politicians are suggesting is what’s barbaric
There are many reports that Hamas was merciful towards many Israelis, but we are only seeing the opposite.
This is not about taking sides, it’s about being aware of propaganda and pre-mediated agendas.
To classify all Palestinians as barbaric by US Politicians sets up a dangerous precedent just as equal to those who wish to wipe Israeli citizens off the map.
Both sides are guilty of extreme violence and death.
Anything that increases this such as propaganda needs to be exposed before it escalates and justifies the murder of mass innocents.
Original source: https://twitter.com/jamiemcintyre21/status/1712294057026990457