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Is the Great Awakening Winning or the Globalists Cult WEF “The Great Reset”?

Is the Great Awakening Winning or the Globalists Cult WEF “The Great Reset”?

Progress ? Is the Great Awakening winning or the Globalists Cult WEF “ the Great Reset”?

Australian National Review

BREAKING NEWS: THE HAGUE – The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen. The #WEF devotee and comrade of German Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and his Government have collapsed. The asylum talks that have been dragging on for months have torn apart the partnership between VVD, D66, CDA and CU. A last attempt to reach agreement in a crisis meeting on Friday also failed. This will enable the Netherlands to prepare for new elections, probably in the autumn. The cabinet will meet as a whole on Friday evening around 9:30 PM, after which Prime Minister Rutte will give a press conference. The government parties have been diametrically opposed to the asylum measures for some time. This week that sensitive file exploded, in which the differences between VVD and CDA on the one hand and D66 and CU on the other were large. Especially between VVD and CU, there was a lot of clashing over measures to limit family reunification. The differences have proved insurmountable. On Friday it was already noticeable that it was especially restless at the CU offices. Prior to the crisis meeting, the MPs of the smallest coalition party already gathered together, after which party leader Bikker continued to talk to the CU ministers. And after Deputy Prime Minister Schouten and State Secretary Van Ooijen left for the Ministry of General Affairs for the crisis consultation, party employees, but also Agriculture Minister Adema, continued to nervously rummage through the corridors. In recent days, numerous proposals have been discussed to get the parties back together. The last plan discussed on Friday was a so-called on and off button for family reunification. If the influx of migrants were too high, that button could be turned off. But that also did not lead to an agreement between the parties. Earlier plans were also shot down. For example, VVD and CDA suggested on Thursday to make their own initiative law for the introduction of a two-status system. In such an asylum system, migrants would be given different rights. D66 and CU saw less in such a system and did not find the idea of ​​an initiative law attractive at all. A plan to introduce the multi-status system on the condition of an implementation test also failed due to opposition from D66 and CU. Tempers had run high in recent days after Prime Minister Rutte put a strong package of demands on the table with a show of force on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Prime Minister had backed down a bit, and the parties decided to give it another day to look at a final proposal. But that too fell, and with it the cabinet.



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