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Should Candance Owen’s be Banned from Communist Australia?

Should Candance Owen’s be Banned from Communist Australia?

By Jamie McIntyre

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Should Candance Owen’s be banned from communist Australia?

For those pretend journos in mainstream media or Globalists puppet wannabe politicians who are calling for the banning of Candance Owen’s to speak in Australia simply because she criticises Israel’s mass slaughter of innocents and the fact it’s founders being the Rothschilds are satanic Luciferians ( by their own admission) and child molesters by our research , there is a communist party you and your weak spineless comrades can join.

If the Israel lobby controls Australia then of course they’ll dictate to our gutless Globalist politicians to do as they demand, and their paid for Israel funded media in Australia, will have those pretend journos call for her visa to be denied. Such losers.

Global Economic Forum on X

Let’s all join communist Australia and ban free speech and Candance Owen’s like good little Globalist loser puppets we all are and let’s take a few more dodgy booster vaccines while we are at it.

Or perhaps grow a back bone and tell any journo or politician suggesting something so ludicrous to f.. off.

It’s a free country isn’t it that supports free speech right?

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