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World Economic Forum ‘Agenda Contributor’, Yuval Noah Harari: “Covid is Critical Because this is What Convinces People to Accept Total Biometric Surveillance”

World Economic Forum ‘Agenda Contributor’, Yuval Noah Harari: “Covid is Critical Because this is What Convinces People to Accept Total Biometric Surveillance”

By Wide Awake Media

World Economic Forum ‘agenda contributor’, Yuval Noah Harari: “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance”, enabling “the Stalins of the 21st century” to analyse and monitor “the brains of all the population, all the time”.

“You don’t need human agents. You don’t need human analysers. You just have a lot of sensors, and an AI which analyses it, and that’s it, you have the worst totalitarian regime in history.”

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