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Allegations Raised that Kids Will be Pressured Without Parents Co-Sent to Take the Deadly Experimental Drugs Disguised as Bs19 Jab

Allegations Raised that Kids Will be Pressured Without Parents Co-Sent to Take the Deadly Experimental Drugs Disguised as Bs19 Jab

By Common Wealth Custodians

A friend’s friend is an ex nurse on the Gold Coast. This ex nurse has just told my friend that there are nurses getting trained to go into schools when school goes back to coerce the boys and girls who were not juiced into getting juiced.

They will be telling boys and girls (I believe it’s from 12 and older, could be younger) that they do not need their parent’s consent to get the juice.

If the boy or girl still says no, they will be telling them that if they don’t get it that it won’t be on their medical records.

Completely insane.

Share this far and wide.

If you can keep your sons and daughters out of school for term 1 until this is all over.

Register to home school. Go traveling.

Write a lawful letter to the principal, vice principal and class teacher stating your son or daughter is not to be coerced into any medical treatments.
Tell them you and your son or daughter do not consent.

Tell them how much you will personally sue them for if they even attempt to be belligerent and defy your orders.

Stand in your power and get out of their system.

Original source:

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