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Australia has Announced Plans for Mass Injections of mRNA Vaccines Into Livestock

Australia has Announced Plans for Mass Injections of mRNA Vaccines Into Livestock

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

BREAKING: Australia has announced plans for mass injections of mRNA vaccines into livestock.

I suggest farmers hold out as long as they can, as beef etc. that isn’t injected will become very valuable. The Government intends to force it:

A). Because Bill Gates demanded it when he visited Australia recently – yes, our Western Governments get dictated to by Big Pharma- it’s not the other way around.

B). Cattle will be banned from being sold via sale yards etc., unless injected, to ensure no healthy meat can reach the consumer, only deadly meat injected with not-so-safe, effective, or necessary injections.

Many farmers will lose % of their herd, and that will die. Many will fail to be able to reproduce and farmers will be outraged, not knowing they fell for a scam to depopulate beef production and to end farmers. Farmers will demand compensation, and it will come only in the form of their agreeing to end farming.

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