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Australian Firefighters Alliance – Fighting Vaccine Mandates

Australian Firefighters Alliance – Fighting Vaccine Mandates

By Public – Australian Firefighters Alliance Channel


– Were mandated to be jabbed.

See their 3-min video.

Click Here To Play the Video

Many refused and stood down. They formed an Alliance (AFA) and they pushed back.

Even though mandates have been now dropped – their employer still insists on firies being jabbed in NSW & Vic.

They’re still standing down
They’re still holding the line
They’re still pushing back

In NSW and Victoria – states with no jab mandates – firefighters’ employers will not allow them to work because they’re not jabbed

So if there’s a fire, unjabbed firefighters are forced to stay home

Fairies are made of stern stuff.
They’re taking on the Victorian government (Fire Rescue Australia) and they need our help.

Give what you can to help with legal bills. It’s time to help them out Australia

Original source:

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