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BOMBSHELL: Australian Drug Regulator Knows DNA Fragments in mRNA Vaccines can Enter Nucleus and Integrate into Genome, Internal Emails Show

BOMBSHELL: Australian Drug Regulator Knows DNA Fragments in mRNA Vaccines can Enter Nucleus and Integrate into Genome, Internal Emails Show


The Therapeutic Goods Administration withheld information on DNA contamination risks from the public, presenting a picture of certainty where there is none

Internal emails from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) reveal that the regulator withheld knowledge of DNA contamination risks relating to the modRNA vaccines from the public, presenting a picture of certainty on safety where there is none.

Released under Freedom of Information (FOI), the cache of emails shows that high-level TGA staff knew elements of the modRNA vaccines can enter the cell nucleus and integrate into the genome, despite the agency’s official line that such events are not possible.

However, TGA personnel appear more preoccupied with “allaying fears in the public” than with investigating the potential risks.

– TGA staff acknowledge that DNA integration into the genome is possible

– The TGA knows that the SV40 enhancer/promoter in the Pfizer vaccine can drag DNA into the nucleus of cells

– Pfizer did not disclose the SV40 sequence to the regulator

– TGA staff not aware of any testing for modRNA/DNA integration into human genome


On 18 October, the TGA published a statement, ‘Addressing misinformation about excessive DNA in the mRNA vaccines.’

The statement came after the release of a report by Canadian virologist Dr David Speicher alleging the presence of synthetic plasmid DNA fragments in Australian vials of modRNA Covid vaccines at levels of up to 145 times the regulatory limit.

The issue gained national media attention after a vote by the Council of mining town Port Hedland on 11 October calling for the immediate suspension of the vaccines pending an investigation into the DNA contamination, due to the potential risks of genomic integration, cancers, and other long-term health impacts.

The TGA’s statement was littered with false and misleading claims, which have been addressed in detail here. Now, emails released under FOI reveal that the TGA knowingly withheld information on DNA contamination risks from the public.

Involved in these communications were staff from the TGA’s Scientific Evaluation Branch (Toxicology and Biological Science Sections), Pharmacovigilance Branch, Communications team, and even TGA boss Professor Tony Lawler, showing that personnel at the highest levels are aware of the potential risks associated with synthetic plasmid DNA in the modRNA shots.

With thanks to Dr Melissa McCann , whose request for all TGA correspondence related to the production of the webpage and associated social media posts regarding allegations of DNA contamination in modRNA vaccines has further exposed the regulator’s duplicity on this matter.

Yes, foreign DNA can integrate into chromosomal DNA

The TGA has repeatedly stated that modRNA vaccine elements cannot enter the nucleus of cells, nor can they integrate into the genome.

Internal emails show that senior staff within the agency know this isn’t true.

On 14 October, a TGA staffer asks,

“Is it even biologically possible for residual DNA at a limit of no more than 10 ng/dose to retain enough integrity from dosing to entering a cell and being enough to be incorporated into a genome for it to induce the effects that are being speculated about?”

TGA FOI 25-0058 p.172

‘Yes, but unlikely,’ is the collective conclusion.

I cannot stress enough how contrary this is to official TGA and Department of Health messaging, which has vehemently denied that genomic integration of modRNA vaccine elements is possible at all.

Source: Department of Health

Source: SBS News

Source: Umbrella News

Initially, one TGA staffer offers the argument touted by U.S. vaccine expert Dr Paul Offit and serially quoted by fact-checkers, including Scientific American, which is that foreign DNA in the modRNA vaccines cannot integrate with human DNA without the presence of an enzyme called integrase. As integrase is not present in mammalian cells, the argument goes, there is no integration risk.

TGA FOI 25-0058 p.157


However, TGA colleagues quickly debunk this claim, and it is deleted from the draft memo:

“Foreign DNA can integrate into chromosomal DNA in the absence of an integrase in mammalian cells. This comes from the DNA damage/repair literature where breaks in DNA are repaired through processes called non-homologous end joining or homologous recombination. Exogenous DNA can potentially be incorporated using these processes.”

TGA FOI 25-0058 p.201


From the Biological Science Section (BSS), “although unlikely, there are alternative mechanisms for DNA integration.”

TGA FOI 25-0058 p.193


And from a Senior Toxicologist,

“We agree with comments raised by BSS that the original dot point on the role of integrases should be deleted. There are papers implying that other enzymes/mechanisms are involved in integrating SARS-CoV-2 sequences into the DNA of human cells (see Zhang et al 2021).”

In the end, the assertion that DNA integration is not possible is dropped from the memo, replaced with a more nebulous statement about lack of evidence:

“There has been no evidence of mRNA vaccines or biological medicines resulting in integration of residual DNA into human DNA genome or causing cancer.”

However, one staffer admits that he or she does not know of any science to support this statement:

“With regard to adding the comment about plasmid DNA entering the human genome, I would be uncomfortable with that as I am unaware of studies which have tested this and so personally I have no experience in the matter.”


TGA FOI 25-0058 p.189

The Senior Toxicologist suggests that the statement is too speculative and perhaps should be taken out:

“In the event that some aspects of the statement are too speculative, we can also omit the following sentence “There has been no evidence of mRNA vaccines or biological medicines resulting in integration of residual DNA into human DNA genome or causing cancer.””

TGA FOI 25-0058 p.73


However, the final TGA memo retains this sentence.

Source: TGA

Under FOI request, the TGA could not provide evidence that it had examined any scientific findings related to testing for alteration of the human genome following modRNA vaccination.


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