W.H.O. Warns of “Fake News” After Elon Musk Pandemic Treaty Tweet
The World Health Organization on Thursday warned against “fake news” after Twitter boss Elon Musk tweeted that countries should not “cede authority to WHO” amid negotiations over a new pandemic treaty.
Here’s what others had to say:
Blue Green
Back in 2020 WHO also denied the earth had a problem, 24hrs later there was a world wide government orderd shut down! Pinch of salt ay..
Topaz Dreamer
Pandemic accord or Global Health Gestapo based on the behaviours, gaslighting and self serving commercial agreements across nation states? Remember one private individual is the financial largest contributor of WHO. It’s a corporation not a public body seeking total autonomy over our health, movements and sovereignty.
Jay B
Elon Musk brought back Free Speech in America and for that I’m grateful.
Ben Swimmin
Who.. the enemy of the world, right along with the WEF. 1 are the same likely
We must never forget when they emotionally blackmailed the children for use as paper-logical shields to temporarily and marginally protect adults.
Thou shall not use pregnant women as Granny shields, risking the young to “save” the old was an awful idea.
Marc Goudreau
What happens when one individual owns (controls) one of the largest and most popular social media platforms on the Planet ? Answer: They create social “truth” and never question their motives.
Louise J F Fisher
Seems your not on the winning streak on this one but thanks for newsletter. Everyone lies in politics or anything anyway and Elon was very very sick.
Tom Riviere
WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the junta regime TPLF former Foreign Minister of dictator Meles. shameless criminal, liar, and not even a doctor. Mass murder of his own peoples of Ethiopia.
Original source: https://youtu.be/aNPti4XEKmU