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Demand Fauci Debate the Doctors

Demand Fauci Debate the Doctors

By Steve Kirsch

If you want to see it, sign the petition and spread the word:


Anthony Fauci Live TV Debate with Opposing Doctors

Brad Skistimas started this petition to CNN and 04 others

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been influencing and guiding Covid era regulations for two years straight, impacting millions and millions of lives. He proudly represents himself as a shining beacon and pinnacle of “The Science” but has never publicly and willingly debated any other medical expert with an opposing perspective in front of the America people. It is time to put all the misinformation to rest and have America’s (and the world’s) questions and concerns answered. No more hiding behind pre-approved interview questions and shrugging off the 17,000 doctors and medical scientists around the world who have signed The Physicians Declaration which has reached consensus on three foundational principles:

1. Healthy children should not be subject to forced vaccination: they face negligible risk from covid, but face potential permanent, irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage.

2. Natural Immunity Denial has prolonged the pandemic and needlessly restricted the lives of Covid-recovered people. Masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions have caused great harm especially to children and delayed the virus’ transition to endemic status.

3. Health agencies and institutions must cease interfering with the physician-patient relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, as a result of institutional interference and blocking treatments proven to cure at a near 100% rate when administered early.

We the people deserve an open and transparent conversation. This petition proposes a live televised debate to be broadcast across all major TV outlets between Dr. Anthony Fauci vs. any leading opposing expert(s) who recently appeared with Senator Ron Johnson’s “A Second Opinion” panel. This list includes:

Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Harvey Risch
Dr. George Fareed
Dr. Pierre Kory
Dr. Richard Urso
Dr. Paul Marik
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. David Wiseman

Whether you are a fan of Dr. Fauci or not, everyone should sign. We should all want to make this happen in an effort to lay to rest all the divisive rhetoric invading our every day conversations. Please sign this petition and pass it along using the hashtag #MakeFauciDebate

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