Australian National Review Founder Says, “Telegram’s Days for the Freedom Movement are Rapidly Ending”
Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre
Australian National Review Founder says, “Telegram’s days for the freedom movement are rapidly ending“
He went on to say, “Telegram is becoming so overrun by spam, & shadow-banning those who expose the families, starting with R.
So those wanting to keep updated, need to consider other alternatives..
A group of us deleted activists from Facebook and set up which is growing by the thousands monthly with almost 250,000 posts in 9 months.
There are also YouTube alternatives in Rumble, Bitchute & also
There hopefully will soon be Twitter, once Elon’s new moderation team takes over, but it is also that works better & doesn’t have the spambots & looney leftists retards on it.
No apology to loony leftist retards, as it’s a choice to not be one.
Substack is a good option
Plus ensuring you’re on the database of Australian National Review, &
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