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EMERGENCY EPISODE: Ex-Google Officer Finally Speaks Out On The Dangers Of AI! – Mo Gawdat | E252

EMERGENCY EPISODE: Ex-Google Officer Finally Speaks Out On The Dangers Of AI! – Mo Gawdat | E252

By The Diary Of A CEO

In this new episode Steven sits down with the Egyptian entrepreneur and writer, Mo Gawdat.

0:00 Intro
02:54 Why is this podcast important?
04:09 What’s your background & your first experience with AI?
08:43 AI is alive and has more emotions than you
11:45 What is artificial intelligence?
20:53 No one’s best interest is the same, doesn’t this make AI dangerous?
24:47 How smart really is AI?
27:07 AI being creative
29:07 AI replacing Drake
31:53 The people that should be leading this
34:09 What will happen to everyone’s jobs?
46:06 Synthesising voices
47:35 AI sex robots
50:22 Will AI fix loneliness?
52:44 AI actually isn’t the threat to humanity
56:25 We’re in an Oppenheimer moment
01:03:18 We can just turn it off…right?
01:04:23 The security risks
01:07:58 The possible outcomes of AI
01:18:25 Humans are selfish and that’s our problem
01:23:25 This is beyond an emergency
01:25:20 What should we be doing to solve this?
01:36:36 What it means bringing children into this world
01:42:11 Your overall prediction
01:50:34 The last guest’s question

Here’s what others had to say:

The Diary Of A CEO
Mo is back, and this is honestly a conversation not to be missed. Please share and like it as it will help this conversation reach so many more people. Hope you all enjoy it. Appreciate you all.

Suzy Vegalicious
It’s not more intelligence that we need, it’s wisdom and compassion.

Omar Siddiqui
Mo is like the scientist in a sci fi action movie, warning everyone about what’s going to happen but nobody listens and then it happens.

Being a good parent is what our governments need to grasp. That is the answer and every profit, sage or philosopher will always come back to that statement. Treat all the children of the world like they are your own and that you want them to thrive. If we did that then there would be harmony among all of us.

cj Lamont
This is one of the most important conversations I’ve ever viewed. Amazingly, it balanced scary with optimistic. I believe every thinking person should watch this. I don’t know anything really about AI and yet every day I’m seeing articles advising us to be aware. It’s frightening to think that we might not be able to control its direction, and I have less and less confidence that there are people in government and military who won’t exploit AI for nefarious means and profit. I will share this to those I believe who will listen and can possibly influence. Thank you for this wake up call and the hope that we and our children can survive this unprecedented change.

Once lawyers and politicians figure out that they can be replaced and superseded by AI, they’ll put the brakes on!

L.L. Tremblay
I happened to stumble on this podcast and am so happy I have. Steven I’m now hocked on your channel and a loyal subscriber! Every human being needs to listen to this podcast, assuming most are well intended and want to do what is right for humanity. Mo is well spoken and down to earth; an amazing soul! I 100% believe we are heading for a disaster, IF we don’t do anything NOW. Thank you, Mo, for caring about humankind enough to speak out about this important topic! I know it sounds like a cliche but, more than ever we need peace and love in the world!

Amazing Animals
Most profound statement at 1:56:23 – It is not about how long and its not about how much fun. It is about how aligned you lived.

Klara Smetana
He says “No” out of pure love & a clear understanding of who his son was..Beautiful, we should all be blessed to have such a parent.

Sandra Mesipuu
Such an immensive heart to heart session Id go over and over to indulge in this message and the depth of this concern.


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