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Is the Directors’ Digital ID Even Legal? Should You Simply Say No

Is the Directors’ Digital ID Even Legal? Should You Simply Say No

I have not received any formal notification regarding Director’s ID from ASIC, ABRS, or from my accountant. I have checked the Corporations Act but after researching the relevant past legislation could find none. An ACT is a way things are to be enacted and from my understanding, it comes after the bill has been presented to Parliament which is supposed to follow all the protocols it is only when it is passed that it becomes law. From my understanding. Another issue I have is that the requirements either via phone, mail, or Gov ID require much too much information, and digitally the software to run such programs is supplied by O/S corporations who also have 3rd/4th parties of which we have no control as to what happens to the data we provide. Do not consent to any terms or conditions. When we set up our companies we all had to provide all the necessary ID which via GST/Payroll, Super, Personal Tax, etc. was and is linked already with ATO. They are requiring everyone to register for fear of hefty fines. If everyone refused to comply, that would stop them in their tracks.

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