Truth Talks are apart of the TruthGroup which also owns the fast growing censor social media platform,


How to potentially earn $1000 extra per month or up to $203,000 USD per annum from partnering with TruthTalks

Or for Freedom Movement Influencers, content creators, online marketers,digital nomads, or networkers how to earn as much as $1 million US in the next 12 months by helping TruthTalks educate the world about the Globalists Agenda and how to stop it

Fast Start Earn 60%

(Levels 1, 2 and 3 combined paid upfront)

60% Revenue Share

$2985 USD


By starting a the “ Fast Start “ level you will qualify to earn 60% revenue on your very first sale

50% of $2985 USD means you earn almost $1800 on every qualifying sale you make.

Note you earn on every 2nd,4th,6th sale plus then every sale except every 6th sale.
But note, on your team of partners/ affiliates that join from your link you will earn 50% revenue on their 1st,3rd and 5th sale and every 6th sale after their first 6 sales on every level 1-5 that you are qualified on.

Note you can use a personal purchase of each level to qualify instantly at that level or simply make one sale at that level.

All In Earn 70%

(Being Levels 1,2, 3 and 4 combined)

70% revenue share

$7985 USD


If you start at the “All In level“ you also for a limited time qualify for $1000 in advertising credit.

This advertising credit can be used to run ads across and other TruthGroup platforms, plus across its Independent Media Global News Platforms.

Activist Bonus

For those who qualify at the Level 4 Program, ( to qualify, you simply have to generate one sale of Level 1-4, or it can be a personal sale to yourself)

You qualify to earn an extra 20% bonus, known as an activist bonus. This is to help fund ideally activist work or causes to help the fight back against the Globalists.

The 20% plus the normal 50% of the revenue you get, is a massive 70%.

So a level 1-4 sale is $7985 USD, which you earn 70% on from your very first sale after qualifying.

And every second sale for the first 6 sales, that’s made via your partner /affiliate link, then every sale, except every 6th sale, as it goes to your qualifying sponsor.

Note: as your team of partners/affiliates achieves each level, you are also earning on every second sale they make, for their first 6 sales and then every 6th sale ongoing they make.

Note :as your team of affiliates achieves each level you are also earning on every second sale they make for the first 6 and then every 6th sale ongoing.

All In Plus Earn 75%

(Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 combined paid upfront)

75% revenue share



If you start at the “All in Plus“ you also for a limited time qualify for

$10000 in advertising credit.

This advertising credit can be used to run ads across and other TruthGroup platforms, plus across its Independent Media Global News Platforms

For a limited time

Centurion Bonus

The Centurion Partner Program is for high achievers and leaders, an invite only program, which includes Levels 1-5 programs being $7985 USD for Levels 1-4 plus $15,000 USD for the annual Centurion Membership

Centurions earn 75% of the revenue from their very first sale after qualifying. That’s Level 1-5 being $22,985 USD by 75% is a total of $17285 USD per sale.

Once again for the business partnership ensures you earn on every second sale for the first 6, then every sale thereafter, except every 6th sale ( which goes to your qualifying sponsor).

"All In" Starter Package

The Fast Start

Level 2️⃣

Level 1️⃣

Level 4️⃣ (5000 USD)

Level 3️⃣ (1500 USD)