Don’t Award Filth: Denounce “Welcome to Sex” Receiving PM’s Literary Award
By DidYouKnow.Ink
Did you know that “Welcome to Sex”, a graphic sex guidebook recommended for children as young as 8, was shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards just last month? Yes, you read that right—a children’s book filled with explicit descriptions of sexual practices like fingering, oral sex, anal sex, and more has been elevated to national recognition by your government. While not winning the top award, as a shortlisted book it has been officially endorsed as a runner-up.
But this isn’t just about a book. It’s about the innocence of our children being violated and radical ideologies being shoved into the public eye under the guise of education.
If you would like to demand a public denouncement of this book and call for changes to the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards process then you can sign the petition here.
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