Elon Musk Reactivated Donald Trump’s Twitter Account
Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre
Elon Musk Reactivated Donald Trump’s Twitter Account
Trump’s unlocked Twitter account reaches 25 million followers in about seven hours.
The looney left is going to hate this.
After being booted from Twitter, I simply helped the awesome team at TruthGroup.social, set up their own censor-free Twitter platforms in truthtweet.social (Elon it didn’t cost $44 b & we have about 200 million fewer bots,) a Facebook alternative in truthbook.social, that’s had 250,000 posts since pre-launch this year, a YouTube alternative in TruthTube.video & soon a Google alternative in truthlook.com, & a digital currency in truthcoin.social. Better than the central bank digital currency scam that’s coming, & soon a PayPal alternative in TruthPay. I don’t miss Fakebook, Instasham or Screwtube thanks to the TruthGroup.social with their censor free social media platforms. They plan to back their cryptocurrency Truthcoin soon with 400 million TruthGroup shares via Azbit.com.
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Original Source: https://t.me/jamiemcintyre/6478