US Weapons for Ukraine Go Missing and are Sold on the Black Market to Terrorists, Criminal Gangs, and Warlords
By Chris Black
In a leaked US diplomatic cable, a US Govt official admits that there’s nothing they can do about it.
How long until a civilian plane or high-speed train blows up?
CBS was forced to apologize under Pentagon pressure for this report showing that most military aid to Ukraine was unaccounted for, and likely flowing into the hands of criminal mafias. Too much transparency, too soon, apparently.
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) December 7, 2022
The weapons will disappear just like humanitarian aid. Even food sent was sold from Ukraine supermarkets.
“The Pentagon has a couple of dozen U.S. troops in Ukraine” is a laughable lie too.
There are entire units of US and other NATO allies operating there, and they have been for months.
They are just part of the “foreign legion,” and that’s the same damned thing as being US Forces.
Russia knows this. The delivery of the Patriot systems could very well be the tipping point of WW3.
NATO led US is run by homicidal maniacs hell-bent on turning this planet into a pile of smoldering ash.
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