This is the updated Nutrition protocol to protect those who’ve been injected with spike protein, graphene oxide and mRNA and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein and graphene oxide shedding coming off those who’ve been injected. We now have evidence of the latest injections containing: mRNA, spike protein, graphene oxide, SM-102, and numerous other potentially toxic substances (also: some—but not all—injections, appear to be higher in graphene oxide and some appear to be saline placebos).
If you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provide them with this Nutrition Protocol:
Most Important Elements of the Protocol (Shortlist Summary)
Spike Protein: Shikimate neutralizes the S.pike Protein
Shikimate Main Sources to Detox S.pike Protein
• Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) There are toxic pine needles, be careful! When drinking pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too!
• Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea
• Schizandra Berry Tea
• Iodine* (dosage depends on brand, more is not better). Iodine is a product you have to start with small dosages and build up over time.
• Vitamin D3* (10,000 IU’s per day)
Graph.ene Oxide Detox:
• C60 (1-3 droppers full per day): One of the issues we are seeing with those who have been injected is disturbances in their energetic field (magnetism) and hot spots of inflammation. C60 is a rich-source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons. C60 is recommended to neutralize s.pike protein, detoxify graphene oxide and SM-102.
• Kohlbitr Activated Charcoal: Take between 400-2000mg (1-5 capsules) a day with water.
• NAC: N-Acetyl Cystiene is the best precursor to glutathione in the body which has the best research for neutralizing graphene oxide. Take 900-1800 mg a day. Get it while you can. The US Federal communist government is trying to make NAC illegal unless you have a doctor’s prescription.
• Enzymes (especially those containing serrapeptase and nattokinase such as VeganZyme— dosage for VeganZymes is 3 caps, twice daily):
Serrapeptase: Serrapeptase provides the anti-inflammatory breakdown of excess and unusual protein. Dosage: 100-200 mg on an empty stomach per day.
Nattokinase: Nattokinase has a long history of being used to prevent blood clots. 2000-4000 Fibrinolytic Units per day (2-4 capsules) with or without food.
Special Note: Iver.mectin is showing great promise against hydrogels containing graphene oxide and found on PCR test swabs, but it is a pharmaceutical, so I do not include it.
Here is the Complete Protocol
•Coated Silver (1-6 drops per day, depending on degree of exposure) (Coated silver blocks the sulfur-bearing protein on the spikes from entering the cell. Sulfur-rich amino acids on the spike protein interact with silver causing them to fold incorrectly).
• NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) (accelerates detoxification and is considered a producer of the super detoxifier glutathione in the body) Dosage: 1200-2400 mg per day on an empty stomach. NAC is recommended to detoxify graphene oxide and SM-102. NAC is tough to find after the FDA recently made it illegal to purchase over the counter in the USA. Request NAC from your doctor!
• Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure)
• Vitamin D3 (10,000 IU’s per day)
• Lyposomal Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)
• Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)
• Iodine (dosage depends on brand, more is not better). Iodine is a product you have to start with small dosages and build up over time.
• PQQ* (20-40 mg per day)
Founded by a group of leading critical care specialists in March 2020, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is dedicated to helping prevent and treat COVID.
This is their vaccine recovery protocol, I thought it might be useful to many of you. It seems like quite a comprehensive protocol though I think it’s lacking heavy metals detox products, like Zeolite for example.
Check it out and pass it on to anyone that may need it.
Magnesium helps manage insulin levels in the body and can prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes from occurring. It also plays a large role in blood pressure control, preventing high blood pressure from occurring, especially when combined with enough potassium in the diet. This does two things: controls stress that can elevate insulin levels and improves overall blood pressure that, when out of control, increases insulin resistance and can cause type 2 diabetes to occur more easily.
Magnesium is essential for proper brain function and mood regulation. Research indicates that without enough magnesium, you are more prone to depression. According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, major depressive disorder impacts 14.8 million American adults. In one study of over 8,00 people, researchers found that those 65 years old and under with the lowest intake of magnesium had a 22 percent increased risk of developing depression.
No one likes being anxious. If you find you are frequently in this state, you may want to try increasing your magnesium. Low magnesium levels have been attributed to an increase in anxiety. According to research, a diet low in magnesium changes the types of bacteria present in the gut and alters anxiety-based behavior.
Studies indicate that even having a slightly reduced level of magnesium can cause severe changes in how the heart, blood vessels, blood cells and other tissues function. Magnesium is critical for proper electrical and mechanical functioning within tissues such as nerves and muscles (such as the heart), and blood vessels.
Research has shown that low brain magnesium is evident during a migraine attack. One study found that a regular intake of magnesium reduced the frequency of migraine attacks by just over 41 percent. Another study found that taking a magnesium supplement daily can help prevent menstrual-related migraines.
According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, a magnesium expert and Medical Advisory Board member of the Nutritional Magnesium Association, magnesium could be the answer to a host of premenstrual symptoms. These include such things as mood swings, fluid retention, depression, breast tenderness, headaches, poor sleep and sugar cravings.
Research has shown that mice given extra magnesium had better working memory, long-term memory and a greater ability to learn. According to head researcher Dr. Liu, “Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of many tissues in the body, including the brain and, in an earlier study, we demonstrated that magnesium promoted synaptic plasticity in cultured brain cells.”
Whether you’ve had a COVID injection or the natural infection, you likely have dangerous spike protein remaining in your tissues and organs, including your brain.
Have you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection? Then you likely have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body. While spike protein is naturally found in SARS-CoV-2, no matter the variant, it’s also produced in your body when you receive a COVID-19 shot. In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection.
In its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and, as Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, said in a commentary on News Voice, “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels—vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure, and other things.”
It’s also been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus.
Now, the World Council for Health (WCH), a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge, has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein. You can view their full guide of natural remedies, including dosages, at the end of this article.
Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs. “Spike protein is a deadly protein,” Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and trained epidemiologist, says in a video. It may cause inflammation and clotting in any tissue in which it accumulates.
For instance, Pfizer’s biodistribution study, which was used to determine where the injected substances end up in the body, showed the COVID spike protein from the shots accumulated in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.
Further, a Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab found that vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating spike proteins are free to travel throughout the body, including to the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and other organs. WCH noted:
“The virus spike protein has been linked to adverse effects, such as: blood clots, brain fog, organizing pneumonia, and myocarditis. It is probably responsible for many of the Covid-19 [injection] side effects … Even if you have not had any symptoms, tested positive for Covid-19, or experienced adverse side effects after a jab, there may still be lingering spike proteins inside your body.
In order to clear these after the jab or an infection, doctors and holistic practitioners are suggesting a few simple actions. It is thought that cleansing the body of spike protein … as soon as possible after an infection or jab may protect against damage from remaining or circulating spike proteins.”
A group of international doctors and holistic practitioners who have experience helping people recover from COVID-19 and post-injection illness compiled natural options for helping to reduce your body’s spike protein load. The following are spike protein inhibitors, which means they inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells:
Ivermectin, for example, docks to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain attached to ACE2, which may interfere with its ability to attach to the human cell membrane. They also compiled a list of spike protein neutralizers, which render it unable to cause further damage to cells. This includes:
The plant compounds in the table above contain shikimic acid, which may counteract blood clot formation and reduce some of the spike protein’s toxic effects. Nattokinase, a form of fermented soy, may also help to reduce the occurrence of blood clots.
Spike protein attaches to your cells’ ACE2 receptors, impairing the receptors’ normal functioning. This blockage may alter tissue functioning and could be responsible for triggering autoimmune disease or causing abnormal bleeding or clotting, including vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia.
Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine (with zinc), quercetin (with zinc) and fisetin (a flavonoid) are examples of substances that may naturally protect your ACE2 receptors. Ivermectin works in this regard by binding to ACE2 receptors, preventing the spike protein from doing so.
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a proinflammatory cytokine that is expressed post-injection and levels increase in those with COVID-19. It’s for this reason that the World Health Organization recommends IL-6 inhibitors for people who are severely ill with COVID-19. Many natural IL-6 inhibitors, or anti-inflammatories, exist and may be useful for those seeking to detox from COVID-19 or COVID-19 injections:
“The furin site is why the virus is so transmissible, and why it invades the heart, the brain and the blood vessels,” Dr. Steven Quay, a physician and scientist, explained at a GOP House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing.
The existence of a novel furin cleavage site on SARS-CoV-2, while other coronaviruses do not contain a single example of a furin cleavage site, is a significant reason why many believe SARS-CoV-2 was created through gain-of-function (GOF) research in a laboratory. Natural furin inhibitors, which prevent cleavage of the spike protein, can help you detox from furin and include:
Serine protease is another enzyme that’s “responsible for the proteolytic cleavage of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, enabling host cell fusion of the virus.” Inhibiting serine protease may therefore prevent spike protein activation and viral entry into cells. WCH compiled several natural serine protease inhibitors, which include:
In addition to the targeted substances mentioned above, WCH was wise to note that a healthy diet is the first step to a healthy immune system. Reducing your consumption of processed foods and other proinflammatory foods, including vegetable (seed) oils, is essential for an optimal immune response.
“This method … is used to induce autophagy, which is essentially a recycling process that takes place in human cells, where cells degrade and recycle components. Autophagy is used by the body to eliminate damaged cell proteins and can destroy harmful viruses and bacteria post-infection.”
Another strategy to boost your health and longevity, and possibly to help detox spike protein, is regular sauna usage. As your body is subjected to reasonable amounts of heat stress, it gradually becomes acclimated to the heat, prompting a number of beneficial changes to occur in your body.
These adaptations include increased plasma volume and blood flow to your heart and muscles (which increase athletic endurance) along with increased muscle mass due to greater levels of heat-shock proteins and growth hormone. It’s a powerful detoxification method due to the sweating it promotes.
Below you can find WCH’s full guide of useful substances to detox from toxic spike proteins, including recommended doses, which you can confirm with your holistic health care practitioner. If you’re not sure where to start, the following 10 compounds are the “essentials” when it comes to spike protein detox. This is a good place to begin as you work out a more comprehensive health strategy:
Full Documentary List
(from @evolvedtruth)
• 5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event
• Take Back Your Power
• Generation Zapped (Dangers Of Wireless Technology)
• Unnatural
• Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality
• Frankenskies
• The Dimming
• What in the World are They Spraying?
• Why in the World are They Spraying?
• Angels Still Don’t Play This HAARP
• Look Up
• Holes in Heaven
• Fluoride: Poison On Tap
• The Fluoride Deception
• The Great Culling: Our Water
Grounding/Forest Bathing:
• The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding
• Forest Bathing | Shinrin-Yoku (森林浴) | Healing in Nature
GMO’s & Glyphosate:
• Secret Ingredients
• Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO’s
• Back To Eden – How to Grow a Regenerative Organic Garden
• Homegrown Revolution
• Vaxxed – Dangerous Vaccines, Kids Autism & Side Effects
• Vaxxed II – The People’s Truth
• The Vaccine Business – Poison, Profit And Corruption
• Trace Amounts – Autism, Mercury, And The Hidden Truth
• Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World
Cult of the Medics Series:
• Chapter 1 • Chapter 2
• Chapter 3 • Chapter 4
• Chapter 5 • Chapter 6
• Chapter 7 • Chapter 8
Miscellaneous Topics:
• MONOPOLY – Who owns the world?
• Cancer – The Forbidden Cures
• Where Did The Towers Go?
• The Great Invasion
• Out Of Shadows
• Root Cause
• Chemicals in the Environment – Dehumanizing Humanity
• Architects of Control: Mass Control & The Future of Mankind
• Disney MK-Ultra Programming: The Dark Side of Disney Exposed
• Human Resources – Social Engineering In The 20th Century
• The Bilderberg Group
• Monopoly: Follow The Money
• The Great Global Warming Swindle
• Titanic: Secrets of the Sinking Ship
The Australian Federal and State Governments response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is now doing more harm than good. It may cause more deaths, and result in far more negative health effects, than the virus itself. It risks creating Australia’s worst ever public health crisis.
Many Australian doctors and other health professionals consider the lockdown measures to be disproportionate, not scientifically based, and the cause of widespread suffering for many Australians.
The Covid Medical Network, in solidarity with thousands of international doctors, calls for the cessation of all disproportionate measures that contravene the International Siracusa Principles.
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