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Greater Israel Explained: The Israeli Plan to Conquer the Arab World

Greater Israel Explained: The Israeli Plan to Conquer the Arab World

By Break Through News

Here’s what others had to say:

“Most Zionists don’t believe that God exists, but they do believe that he promised them Palestine” Ilan Pappe

I’ve known about Greater Israel for ages. I used to be called a conspiracy theorist.

As an Arab and Palestinian, to see this narrated by Westerners so eloquently is something that I could not have imagined in a pre October 7th world. Finally, the truth is surfacing for the whole world to see.

This is what happens when a people believe they are a master race or chosen ones!

This explains why US invaded Iraq and started the civil war in Syria.

BDS! Free America from AIPAC!

Burglars, take note. When you break into a bank, make sure to remind the authorities that the cash was, in fact, promised to you by God.
This was the legal loophole nobody was aware of until now.

Israels biblical borders? You mean the book they wrote themselves?
I reckon we should also try to reestablish tomhe ottoman empire borders too

absolutely 1000%, it breaks my soul our Gov cares more for its Imperialism than it’s own citizens welfare

In India, in 1947 it was divided between Hindu and muslim ! Till today hate between both is intense

6yrs ago Netanyahu said his goal for Zionism is to “liberate” Africa after the Middle East. 15yrs ago the UN accused Israel of illegally importing diamonds from Africa. Israel’s biggest export are diamonds & is the US’s largest importer of them

3:07 what? Dude 3,000 years ago arabs didnt conteol the Levant, what are you saying? That only happened after the arab conuests of the 600s

one of my biggest heartbreak is seeing the split between the Arab world, remember what the muslims could do when united under Salahuddin

Israelis love us Iranians so much that they want to be our neighbors in the southwest!

Giving the Sinai back to Egypt and Gaza and the west Bank to the Palestinians is a weird way to express that it wants to conquer half the middle east.

3:09 I’m curious as to where the “Levant being 3000 years of Arab civilization” came from given Arabs had little to no presence there until 634 AD with the Rashidun Caliphates conquest of the region from the Byzantines.

This “God” that keeps promising people things but don’t hand it into their hands, instead, the people so promised have to comit atrocities in order to obtain what “God” promised them. I have a common sense but don’t understand it.

They plan but Allah is the greatest of planners. Last we checked a significant percentage of these European countries is Muslim and growing at an exponential rate.

Egypt wasn’t Arab for 3000 years. The Arabs invaded and began converting Egypt to Islam starting in 639 CE

@4:00 This is very reminiscent of what happened in India (now Pakistan-India). Also, reminiscent of what happened in Rwanda with the Hutus and Tutsis. The divide and conquer strategy the colonial and neocolonial Europeans use to exploit ppl and lands is very gross.

From Saudia arabia, I’ve learned about the greater Isreal long ago and it make since why the map included a huge part of Saudi lands , the west north part of Saudi Arabia contains a lot of ancient Historical monuments that is also important to them ( such as moses well and the village he went to after) and also far into the south near Medina there is a small town that was inhabitants by jewish peoples during prophet Muhammad-PBUH- which is probably on the border of the so called “greater Isreal” , but a lot of these lands doesn’t have a historical value to them but rather giving them more power as they will be close to Europe while being on Africa and asia

3:10 The Levant is not the heart of Arab civilization for 3000 years. Arabs didn’t conquer that region until the 7th century AD. That region was home to much older civilizations than Arabic/Muslim before the Muslim conquests.

At some point in the near future, we’re all going to have to reexamine the biblical stories in a more realistic light using archeology and history instead of religion.
We’re doing that now in small steps, but I think it’s gonna have to be on a larger scale if we want peace. People will eventually have to “grasp” the reality of how so many of these stories were made up by the writers as an analogy to teach a lesson, and not actual documentation of events. Some stories were rearranged versions of ancient tales from other civilizations. Monotheism in the Abrahamic tradition, the Torah, how people prayed, how to convert, and other customs, etc. all were more recent than people believe (most parts of them were NOT older than 3K years ago). It will be hard for many believers, but I think it’s going have to happen for the sake of sustaining peace and human progress.

Notice how All of Islam’s prophecies are coming true. The prophecies made by The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him long time ago.
Malhama and the Coming of The Dajjal is so close, the creation of a ‘Greater Israel’. Coming of the Antichrist whom the Jews will misunderstand and their awaited Messiah. May ALLAH protect us all


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