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Jewish War Machine DESTROYS Syria as Greater Israel, New Khazaria Take Shape

Jewish War Machine DESTROYS Syria as Greater Israel, New Khazaria Take Shape

By Stew Peters Network


Stew Peters goes off on the Jewish War Machine DESTROYING Syria as Greater Israel, New Khazaria Take Shape.

Here’s what others had to say:

When will Americans realize that all this BS is on purpose and the jews are trying to overthrow America? They wont stop until America is bankrupt and at civil war. They wont stop until WE stop them! Where is your line in the sand!

The misandrist feminist lesbian cult are on a mission to destroy what they perceive as white male privilege
They dont look around to see everything of worth was created and built by men !

Jews want Muslims and Christians to fight with each other. Unfortunately there are too many stoopid people all over the world who bought their BS propaganda.

Assad never used chemical weapons in my view. I’m not saying he’s Mr. Wonderful but nothing like as guilty as the western media portrays. I think Stew misreads what Ben Shapiro is saying. Yes, Israel is an illegitimate state but Shapiro wasn’t revelling in these events from my understanding. He spoke of the human aspect of this. I think he simply doesn’t understand what is really at play here.

Russia, Persia, Hezbollah, Syria, and their alliance are in talks with China and the rest of the BRICS nation. That is the game changer for that group.

Not remotely religious nor do I need to be to see the threat that is Jewish supremacy. Thankyou for being in the Hodge Twins and opening my eyes further than they could in their own. Stew is one of my daily must listens now.

So are you suggesting the Holocaust didn’t happen? Or that all those innocent families in Israel weren’t tortured and killed on 7th October. I agree there are many fake Jews and they’re the ones in powerful positions, but to blame Jews en masse is pure antisemitism! As a Bible believing Christian I can’t go along with this! It’s dangerous talk, and it’s inciting hatred. Please be careful or you may have the blood of many innocent Jews on your hands. I’m shocked and saddened.

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